Introduction to the "Burma" Truck

Chrysler Export Corporation

China Service Contract DA-TPS-83306

Ther Dodge Division of Chrysler Corporation produced these trucks during the Second World War for the Chinese Army's use on the Burma and Ledo Roads.
Dodge Division of Chrysler Corporation soon will be in quantity production of trucks likek this for the Chinese Army to use on the Burma and Leddo roads. Chief terst engineer O. M. "Frenchy" Raes described the powerful cargo truck to Capt. Tung-sung Kwei of the Chinese Army, who is stationed in Detroit to study repair of American-built war vehicles.

Here is an interior view of the new Dodge truck designed for special use by the Chinese Army. The seat cushion is air-bound to provide greater comfort over the rough roads in the Chinese war theater. Note the right-hand drive.

This unusual photo by Chrysler's "Nick" Radford symbolizes the uncconquerable spirit of the Chinese, who are confident that American equipment will enable the forces of Chiang Kai-shek to drive the Japs out of China. The truck is built by Dodge and is the first one of several thousands to be manufactured for the Chinese Army to haul war supplies over the Burma and Leddo roads. Capt. Tung-sung Kwei (above) now is stationed in Detroit, where he is studying repair of army vehicles at the Chrysler Corporation engineering laboratory.

The first Dodge truck for the Chinese Army is pictured withi Capt. Tung-sung Kwei behind the wheel, a Chinese Army officer who is studying production and repair of military vehicles at the engineering laboratory of Chrysler Corporation in Detroit. Trucks like these will be used to haul war supplies over the Burma and Leddo roads. Note the right-hyand drive.

  • Maintenance Manual

  • Transcribed and formatted by Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation