Appendix 18.
Indorsement Returning Record of Trial for Certificate of Correction



201 Hartford, John J. (Enl)      Ind.
Hq,150th Inf, Fort Wilson, Ohio, 4 August 1944

To: Capt Daniel A. O'Brien, Inf, Trial JA, 150th Inf, Fort Wilson, Ohio.

1. The record of trial by special court-martial in the case of Pvt John J. Hartford, 32016543, Co A,109th Inf, returned herewith, fails to disclose that Cpl Timothy B. Maguire, a witness for the prosecution, was sworn.

2. If this witness was in fact sworn, a certificate of correction prepared in accordance with MCM, par. 87b, will be signed by the president of the court and the trial judge advocate, a copy served on the accused and the original sent to this office together with the record of trial.

By order of Colonel MULROONEY:

/s/ E.T. Burstein,
Capt, Inf,

1 Incl.
   Record of trial


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