Appendix 21.
Action of Reviewing Authority Approving Part of Findings and Sentence




Camp Polk, Louisiana,
19 July 1944.

In the foregoing case of Private Alonso K. Schiedman, 26843214, Company D, 149th Armored Infantry Battalion, Camp Polk, Louisiana, only so much of the findings of guilty of the specification of Charge II and of Charge II as involves findings that the accused did, at the time and place alleged, fail to obey the lawful order of a noncommissioned officer in violation of Article of War 96 is approved. The findings of guilty of the specification of Charge III and of Charge III are disapproved. Only so much of the sentence as provides for confinement at hard labor for three months and forfeiture of $33,00 per month for a like period is approved and will be duly executed. The Post Stockade, Camp Polk, Louisiana, is designated as the place of confinement.

/s/ Todd Midquoit
Lt Col, Inf,


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