Appendix 24.
Special Court-Martial Order--Joint Trial


21 August 1944

Special Court-Martial
Orders, No. 42

Before a special court-martial which convened at Fort Knox, Kentucky, pursuant to paragraph 8, Special Orders Number 167, this headquarters, 15 June 1944, as amended by paragraph 2, Special Orders Number 185, this headquarters, 3 July 1944, was arraigned and tried:

Private EDDIE G. ROUNDIE, 37182366, Detachment Medical Department, Fort Knox, Kentucky, and Private JULIUS R. BRUNTON, 18032711, Detachment Medical Department, Fort Knox,Kentucky.

CHARGE: Violation of the 69th Article of War.
Specification: In that Private Eddie G. Roundie and Private Julius R. Brunton, Detachment Medical Department, Fort Knox, Kentucky, having been duly placed in confinement in the Post Guardhouse, Fort Knox, Kentucky, on or about 20 July 1944, acting jointly, and in pursuance of a common intent, did, at Fort Knox, Kentucky, on or about 22 July 1944, escape from said confinement before they were set at liberty by proper authority.


Private Eddie G. Roundie:
To the Specification and the Charge: Not Guilty.

Private Julius R. Brunton:
To the Specification and the Charge: Not Guilty.


Private Eddie G. Roundie:
Of the Specification and the Charge: Guilty.

Private Julius R. Brunton:
Of the Specification and the Charge: Guilty.


Private Eddie G. Roundie:
To be confined at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct, for six months and to forfeit $33.33 per month for a like period.

Private Julius R. Brunton:
To be confined at hard labor, at such place as the reviewing authority may direct for six months and to forfeit $33.33 per month for a like period. (One previous conviction considered).

The sentences were adjudged on 17 August 1944.


The sentences are approved, but as to Private Eddie G. Roundie, three months of the confinement at hard labor imposed are remitted. As thus modified the sentence will be duly executed. The Post Guardhouse, Fort Knox, Kentucky, is designated as the place of confinement.

By order of Colonel UPDYKE:

Maj, Inf,



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