Appendix 5.
Imposition of Punishment Under AW 104 Upon Officer

Office of the Regimental Commander

  Fort Wilson, Ohio
1 Feb. 1944
201-- Boyd, Jonathan (Off.).
Subject: Disciplinary Action.
To: 2nd Lt Jonathan Boyd, 109th Inf, Fort Wilson, Ohio.*

1. Investigation has indicated that on or about 27 January 1944, you were disorderly in the Officers' Club, Fort Wilson, Ohio.

2. It is my intention to impose punishment for such offense under AW 104 unless trial by court-martial is demanded. In accordance with MCM, par. 107, you are notified of this intended action. You will acknowledge receipt of this communication by indorsement which will include a statement whether you demand trial in lieu of action under AW 104.

Augustine P. Billesby
Col. Inf.

*Under the provision of MCM, par. 107, the letter notifying the accused of the intention to impose punishment will be "through proper channels", as will all subsequent indorsements on the communication. Indorsements by intermediate commanders through whom the communication may pass are not shown on this form. Accordingly, none of the indorsements have been numbered.


201- Boyd, Jonathan (Off.)        Ind.
Fort Wilson, Ohio, 3 Feb. 1944.

To: CO, 109th Inf, Fort Wilson, Ohio.

Receipt acknowledged. Trial by court-martial is not demanded.

Jonathan Boyd
2d Lt, 109th Inf.



201 -- Boyd, Jonathan (Off.)        Ind.
Hq, 109th Inf, Fort Wilson, Ohio, 3 Feb. 1944.

To: 2d Lt Jonathan Boyd, 109th Inf, Fort Wilson, Ohio.

1. Your are hereby reprimanded for conduct to the prejudice of good order and military discipline. Your actions indicate an instability of character and disregard of the responsibilities of an officer. Every officer is required so to conduct himself as to be an example of decorum to be followed by his associates in the service. In this duty you have failed. Since this is your first offense coming to my notice, and since your military record heretofore has been good, charges were not preferred in order that you might have the opportunity of redeeming yourself and proving you are worthy of holding a commission.

2. This reprimand will become part of your personal record.

3. You are advised of your right to appeal in accordance with MCM, par. 108.

4. Reply by indorsement hereon, including the date of your receipt of this indorsement and any appeal you may desire to make.

Augustine P. Billesby
Col, Inc,


201 -- Boyd, Jonathan (Off.)        Ind.
Fort Wilson, Ohio, 4 Feb. 1944.

To: CO, 109th Inf, Fort Wilson, Ohio.

1. Received 4 Feb 1944, and contents noted.

2. No appeal.

Jonathan Boyd
2d Lt, 109th Inf.


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