title graphic

Telephone Talking Procedure

  Handset 6-4
  Headset 6-4
  Articulate clearly 6-6
  Talk slowly 6-7
  Restrict your dialect or accent 6-7
  Standard Navy phonetic alphabet 6-7
  Giving a message 6-8
  Acknowledging 6-8
  Repeating back 6-8
  Requesting repeats 6-8
  Brevity 6-8
  Silence on the line 6-9
  Circuit test 6-9
  Order of reporting air contact information 6-9
  Standard terminology in reports 6-9
  Reporting surface contact information 6-9
  Changing talkers 6-10
  Circuit discipline 6-10
  Navy language 6-10



The success or failure of military operations, depend in a large measure on the right message reaching the right place at the right time. Upon the talkers rests much of the success of the Naval operations involving your ship. The information you glean from the radar screen is of little value unless it can be passed rapidly on to those responsible for the offensive and defensive tactics of your ship. For this purpose, communication means, getting the informative messages through to the officers and men who are concerned. A perfect system of communications is as essential to maximum radar protection as is good operation of the radar itself. You will be concerned primarily with the IC, or Interior Communications, i.e., the communications between various stations within the ship, rather than with communication with other ships, planes, or shore stations.

The Interior Communications system is important, since it makes it possible for an officer in one part of the ship to know what is happening in other parts of the ship. The Captain must be able to communicate with the control stations throughout the ship, so that he ma get, swiftly and accurately, all the information he needs to make a vital decision instantly. The Gunnery Officer must be able to pass information to his gun crews, so that the guns can be properly controlled. The Engineering Officer must be informed immediately of damage or failure of the engineering equipment, The Officer of the Deck must he able to inform the Combat Information Center at once when an important message is received from another ship. The radar operator must be able to report to the plotter in CIC the up-to-the-minute status of the radar contacts.

In nearly every case, information of this kind is sent from one station to another by means of sound-powered phones. We refer to the sound-powered phones, as the battle phones.


Sound-powered telephones are linked together to form circuits; each circuit has a name. Circuits are labelled with letters and sometimes with numbers followed by letters. Each jack-box (the plug-in point for phones) on a circuit has a number. Main circuits are lettered from JA to JZ.

The main circuits which concern radar operators are:

The use of these circuits on various types of ships is given in the table below.

When not operating the radar, you may be called upon to man one of the other phone circuits in CIC.

The JA circuit is the Captain's battle circuit. It connects Conn (the Captain's battle station) with control stations throughout the ship, this is the main fighting circuit of the ship. Over this circuit the Captain gives orders to his officers at control stations, receives reports from them regarding the progress of the action, casualties to material and personnel, and damage to the enemy.

The 1JV circuit is the primary maneuvering circuit. This means, that messages concerning the speed and course of the ship. mooring and anchoring lines, are sent over this circuit. Information on this circuit helps

Type of ship 21JS, 22JS, etc. 31JS and 32JS 41JS, 42JS, etc.
BB, CB, CA, and CL Ship control (detector) radar No. 1, No. 2, etc. Main battery radar No. 1, No. 2. Secondary battery radar No. 1, No. 2, etc.
      Fire control radar No. 1, No. 2, etc.
DD Ship control radars (search radar) No. 1, No. 2, etc.
DE Ship control radars (search radar) No. I, No. 2, etc.


to get the ship in and out of port, and to maneuver when at sea. It connects Conn with such places as the engine rooms, fantail, and forecastle.

The following is a list of the phone circuits and the main functions of each:

Circuit Designation
  JA Captain's battle circuit (on vessels where circuit JL is not installed, this circuit is designated, Captain's battle and lookout circuit).
  JB Main battery spotters.
  JC Main battery control.
  JD Main Battery units.
2 JD Forward main battery control.
  JF Flag circuit.
  JL Lookouts.
  JN Illumination control (starshell).
  JNT Illumination control.
  JP Secondary battery units.
5 JP Secondary battery control.
  JS Radio and sound bearing circuit.
1 JS Combined radar-radio information circuit.
51 JS Radio direction-finder circuit.
  JSV Sound and maneuvering control.
  JT Searchlight control.
  JU Torpedo, depth charge, and smoke control.
1 JU Torpedo control.
1 JV Maneuvering, docking, and catapult control.
5 JV Engineer's circuit (electrical).
  JW Rangefinders circuits.
  JX Radio and signals.
1 JX Visual signal circuit.
2 JX Radio signal circuit.
  JY Machine gun control and battery.
2 JZ Damage control circuit.

See your ship's organization bill for specific information on the phone circuits in use in your CIC. Learn the primary purpose of the various circuits, and know every station on those you may be called upon to man.

All primary circuits, except those listed below, have auxiliary circuits: JF, JH, JN, JO, JR. JS, JSV, and JU. The letter X precedes-the designating letters: i.e., auxiliary Captains circuit, XJA. You might think of the X as standing for an extra circuit. These X circuits will serve all, or most of the stations served by the primary circuit. They are designed to he used in an emergency, or for use as an auxiliary means of communication when needed. Although the X circuits are independent from the primary circuits, they may become a part of the primary circuit by means of a central switchboard.

In addition to the sound-powered phone circuits, an intercom system, comprising the MC circuits, carries an important share of the interior communications load. It is a speaker type telephone designed to provide amplified voice intercommunication between any two or more circuits. General announcements, commands, and filtered information are handled by the numerous MC circuits.

These are some of the MC circuits with which you are most likely to be concerned:

1 MC General announcing system.
20 MC Radar control announcing system.
21 MC Captain's command announcing system.
22 MC Radio room announcing system.
24 MC Flag officer's command announcing system.

Drawing of three sailors on a circuit and the captains station.
Figure 6-1. The JA circuit connects the Captain's battle station with control stations throughout the ship.



Sound-powered telephones must always he kept in good condition, ready for any emergency. There are delicate parts in the phones, therefore, it is important that you learn how to handle them properly, how to wear them correctly, and how to take care of them when they are not in use.

There are two types of sound-powered phone sets: the handset and the headset, which can be used simultaneously.


The handset telephone looks very much like the cradle (or French type) telephone used in many offices and homes. It is held in one hand and when the earpiece is placed against the ear, the transmitter (or mouthpiece) comes directly in front of the mouth. On the bar connecting the receiver and the transmitter there is a push-button. This button must be held down whenever you are speaking or listening. This rule applies to the handset type of phone only. When someone is calling your station you will hear the call buzzer. When you wish to talk with another station, you must press the buzzer button to get the attention of that station.

When the handset telephone is not in use, it is held in a bracket on the bulkhead. This bracket has a clamp that keeps the phone firmly in place. Be sure to secure the phone correctly when you are through talking. If it should fall to the deck it would he seriously damaged.

The handset phone, although convenient, has certain disadvantages. Therefore, it is used only as a service phone between such places as officers' rooms. bridge, and ward room, or in cases of emergency if the headset phones should fail to work.


The headset telephone, since it is the equipment you will most frequently use, it will be explained in detail.

The headset telephone consists of a pair of earphones and a transmitter. The earphones are on a spring metal clamp or fabric harness that fits over the talker's head. The transmitter (or mouthpiece) held in an adjustable yoke, or (Y) pin, is mounted on a breastplate. The breastplate is held in place by a strap around the talker's neck. Also on the breastplate, is a small box where the wires are joined together. One of these wires is short and extremely fine, and goes to the mouthpiece. Two other fine wires go to the earpieces. Then there is one long, heavy cord called the lead, at the end of which there is a heavy metal plug. The plug fits into a jack-box on the bulkhead which connects the phone to the rest of the circuit. The plug is usually held in place by means of a collar with screw threads on the inside.

On the jack-box there is a small disc of paint that shines in the dark so that you may find it easily. Also on the jack-box are letters which identify the circuit. In some eases there will also be a selector switch, located near the jack-box, so that an authorized person may switch from one circuit to another without removing the plug.


Since the headset as well as the handset is made of delicate parts, it is important to know how to wear them. When you put on the headset telephone, hold the transmitter unit and the heavy lead in the left hand. Hook the metal headband over the transmitter yoke, in the space between the mouthpiece and the breastplate. This will keep the earphones from being dropped. Next, unhook the tight side of the neck strap from the breastplate, put the strap around

Illustration of the headset showing parts.
Figure 6-2. The headset.


your neck, then fasten it to the breastplate again. Now put the earphones on and adjust the headband so that the center earpiece is directly over the opening into the ear. Insert the plug into the jack-box, and while holding the plug with one hand, screw the collar on firmly, taking care not to cross-thread the plug collar.

If these directions are followed, no portion of the equipment will hang by the cords. If equipment is allowed to dangle by the cords the electrical connections will soon he broken.

A talker should never torn one earpiece outward from the head. When this is done, outside noise is picked up and carried into the circuit, making it difficult for other talkers to hear. In such places as the engine room, boiler room, and gun turrets, there may be so much noise that the entire circuit will become useless, all because one talker has an earpiece turned outward.

The fact that noise can he picked up and carried into the circuit by the earpieces shows that they work just like the transmitter. The outside of the earpieces are a different shape from the outside of the transmitter, so that they will fit your ears. On the inside, however, transmitter and earpieces are the same. This is an important fact to remember.

In case of casually to the transmitter, speak into one 
earpiece and listen through the other.
Figure 6-3. In case of casually to the transmitter, speak into one earpiece and listen through the other.

In case of a casualty to the transmitter on a headset phone, you can speak into one ear piece while listening through the other; in case of a casualty to the earphones you can hold the transmitter button down and receive as well as send a message with the transmitter. This is a good thing to remember in an emergency, when a break in communication might mean disaster.

In wearing the phones you should make the following adjustments:

Adjust the earpieces so that the center of each earphone is over the opening into the ear, with the headband fitting firmly over the top of the head.

Adjust the mouthpiece so that it is directly in front of your mouth when you stand erect. When you speak into the transmitter it should be not more than one-half inch from the mouth. In making this adjustment remember that the fine wire that goes to the transmitter can easily he broken. Be sure that there are no sharp bends in it and do not allow it to get caught between the transmitter and the yoke. An electrician's mate on any ship will tell you that he has several phones to repair every day just because talkers are careless in handling the phones.

When you are wearing the phones remember that you cannot walk any farther than the length of the lead cord. If you do, you may break the connection at the plug. Therefore, always keep some slack in the lead and he sure it is flat on the deck so that no one will trip over it. Do not allow objects to roll over the lead.

Before plugging into the jack-box, give your phones the blow test. Hold the transmitter button down and blow into the mouthpiece. If you do not hear a "sh-h-h" sound you know your phones are not working. If the phones are not in order take them to the titan in charge of your station. If that is not possible, another talker near you can report the matter to the control station. Phones that are out of order may prevent other phones on the circuit from working properly. Never stow a damaged phone: see that it is taken immediately to the electrician's mate for repairs, for you never know when an emergency may arise which will require the use of every phone on the ship.

As soon as you are sure the phones are working properly, put the plug in the jack-box. See that the collar is screwed firmly in place. To do this, hold the plug in one hand and turn the collar with the other. If you do not hold the plug while you screw on the collar, the wires will twist and may weaken the connection in the plug.

When the plug is securely connected into the jackbox you are ready to listen. If you have a message


to send to someone else on the circuit, push down the button which is on the top of the transmitter. This button should be held down only during the time you are speaking, and should be held down until you have delivered the whole message. It should not be held down at any other time.

Note that this procedure differs from that used with the handset phone. With the headset phone you push the button only when speaking. With the handset phone the button is held down when you are speaking and listening.

It is exceedingly bad practice to keep the button taped down, or held down by a rubber band, because this practice makes it possible for outside noise to get into the circuit. Phonograph recordings made on the telephone circuits on board ship show that when this is done it is very difficult for anyone on the circuit to hear a message. Consequently, do not tape the button down unless you are ordered to do so.

When exposed to the wind, keep the mouthpiece shielded with your hand while talking, otherwise the wind will produce noise in the phone.

All the power required to operate sound-powered telephones is generated by your voice; no other source of power is needed. Therefore, if your message is to get through, you must speak loudly and cleans. Your voice must supply enough power so that as many as 20 other men on the circuit can hear you. In plain words, weak voice, little power; strong voice, lots of power. Regardless of how clearly you speak, if your voice lacks power the message will not get through.

Very few men will talk too loudly.
Figure 6-4. Very few men will talk too loudly.

Studies on the functioning of the phone under conditions of excessive noise show that it is important to speak with a loud, clear voice. These studies also show that it is important to have the month close to the transmitter. If the mouth is one-half inch from the transmitter, all messages will get through provided the phones are working properly. If it is two inches away, only two-thirds of the messages will get through. At a distance of four inches, less than half the messages will be correctly heard, and at tight inches only one message in five will be heard correctly by the listener.

With these facts in mind, carefully study the following section.


Talk in a loud voice and maintain it consistently, so that every word will get through to every other man on the circuit. Few men will talk too loudly.

Hold the transmitter not more than one-half inch from your mouth when talking in a noisy place.

Watch the lip and mouth movements of a good speaker, and you  will see what is meant by articulation.
Figure 6-5. Watch the lip and mouth movements of a good speaker, and you will see what is meant by articulation.

Articulate clearly.

Articulation means moving the lips and the tongue so that each sound is made correctly and clearly. For example, when you say "oh" your lips should be definitely rounded. An "ee" will be clearer if the lips are pulled back at the corners. Make every part of the message stand out so that even unfamiliar words may be understood by the listener. For example, the sentence, "prepare to stream paravanes," may be unfamiliar to the listener. So say, "pre-pare to stream par-a-vanes." The italicized sounds are those often slighted, so make them especially clear.


Watch the lip and mouth movements of a good speaker and you will see what is meant by articulation. Never speak with gum or food in your mouth when on the phones. Talk from the front of your mouth, never from the corners. Imagine that you must project your voice to everybody on the circuit.

Talk slowly.

There is nothing to be gained by talking rapidly just to see if another man on the circuit can understand you. A slowly spoken message that is understood the first time will be much quicker than a rapidly spoken message that must be repeated.

Excitement is the greatest cause of speaking too rapidly. Doting a crisis, remember, that it is doubly important to get the message through. Talk slowly and some of your own excitement will subside. If you are calm and sure of yourself, you will influence other men on the circuit to behave the same way.

Restrict your dialect or accent.

Each one of us has a manner of speech which tells others what part of the country we are from. You may have on occasion found it difficult to understand a man from another section of the country. With this in mind, try to speak in such a way that your listeners cannot tell whether you come from New England, the Deep South or the West. Numbers are especially difficult to understand if you fail to restrict your dialect or accent. It is important that numbers he understood at all times, since they provide such important information as the bearing and range of other ships and planes, the number of contacts, the elevation of aircraft, and so on.

Restrict your accent or dialect.
Figure 6-6. Restrict your accent or dialect.

Careful study of the pronunciation of numerals indicates that the following exaggerated pronunciations are highly recommended:

One Wun
Two Too
Three Thuh-ree
Four Four
Five Five
Six Sicks
Seven Seven
Eight Ate
Nine Niner
Zero Ze-ro
(designated "oh" for range)

The italicized numbers are often confused. Repeat all the numbers aloud, taking particular care with those in italics. Try' to speak so that anyone from any part of the country can understood you. Numbers should be spoken with each individual digit pronounced. For example, 5980 is spoken five-niner-ate-oh."

Standard Navy phonetic alphabet.

Another aid to a clearer understanding of messages is the Standard Navy Phonetic Alphabet. In your messages, letters will not be spoken as letters, but will be referred to by their assigned names. The sounds "bee," "dee," "cee," "gee," "tee," are easily confused; so are "aitch," "A", and jay". But if you use the names for these letters, Baker, Dog, Charlie, George, Tare, How, Able, and Jig, there will be no confusion. The phonetic alphabet is given below:

Letters Spoken as           Letters Spoken as

Memorize the alphabet thoroughly so that you can use it quickly and accurately as in JA, "Jig Able";


1JV, "One Jig Victor; Compartment A-307-L, Compartment Able Three Zero Seven Love.

The phonetic alphabet is easy to learn if you will practice spelling out names and words that come to your mind, for example JIG OBOE HOW NAN SUGAR MIKE ITEM TARE HOW spells John Smith. TARE OBOE NAN YOKE spells Tony.

Practice spelling names and words.
Figure 6-7. Practice spelling names and words.


Giving a message.

Most messages are divided into three parts:

  1. Name of the station being called.

  2. Name of the station calling. (On certain command circuits, step 2 is omitted at the discretion of the commanding officer.)

  3. The message itself.

Note very carefully the above order. First you call the station for which the message is intended, then you identify your own station, and finally you state the message. To change this order is dangerous because confusion may result.


When a message is received it must be acknowledged at once if it is understood. The words, aye< aye, mean, "I understand your message or order and will carry it out to the best of my ability." A message has been correctly acknowledged when the talker has identified his own station and followed with, "aye aye." When acknowledgments are made in this way the sender knows that you, not someone else, have received and understood the message, or that you will carry out the order. For example, always say, "Sugar Charlie, aye, aye," not just "aye, aye."

Repeating back.

When a message is important the radar operator (talker) originating it may want to make sure that it has been transmitted and received correctly. In this case he will tell the receiving station to repeat it back.

Requesting repeats.

When a message is not clear to the listener at the receiving end, he should say, repeat. The query. "what did you say?" should never be used as it requires too much time. Be sure that you repeat the message word for word; changing the wording causes endless confusion.


To make communications rapid, messages must be kept short. This is a matter which primarily concerns tile radar operator originating the message. Plotters should also keep the principle of brevity in mind as they may originate messages themselves. All unnecessary words should be omitted. Words like please and sir are omitted on the phones in order to keep messages short. If a message must be long it should be grouped into phrases to make it clear.

Do it the Navy way.
Figure 6-8. Do it the Navy way.


Silence on the line.

When a circuit is in use, but the control station has a more important message to get through, the control talker says, "silence on the line."

Whenever this is heard, you must stop talking so that control can get the message through.

Circuit test.

As soon as the phones are manned, the CIC station must know when all the other stations are ready. To do this, the talker at combat says, "All stations, combat, testing."

Each talker on the line then acknowledges in the order designated by the controlling station. On a radar circuit the acknowledgments should sound like this:

A circuit test is not complete until every man has answered, and faults in the equipment are checked.

Order of reporting air contact information.

Terminology as well as procedure must be standardized to avoid confusion during concentrated attacks. The following notes will provide a basis for such reports:

  1. Bogey or friendly: raid designation, I, II, III, etc. (Roman numerals only if directed by CIC officer.)

  2. Bearing: true, unless relative has been specified.

  3. Range: miles.

  4. Number of planes.

  5. Appearance of the pip: large, fluctuating wide base, etc.

  6. Altitude: if SP or SM radar.

  7. Amplifying information: opening, orbiting, closing, crossing.

Standard terminology in reports.

When reporting the bearing of the target, it is standard practice to call the cipher zero. When reporting the range of the target, it is proper to call the cipher oh. As indicated by the above list, the correct order for reporting, calls for the bearing as the second part of the message. The word "bearing" is not used in the report. Instead of "bearing, one two zero," merely say, "One two zero." There will he no reason for confusion since the bearing will always follow the designation of the contact (designations will be the same as those used in the Fighter Director Code listed in RADFIVE) as bogey, friendly, etc., and it will be in three digits, for example: 005 degrees will be, zero zero five: 060 degrees, zero, six zero: 280 degrees, too eight zero. Likewise, when reporting the range, the third part of the report on any contact, leave out the word "range"; it will always be understood that the numerical data following the bearing will be the range of the target. Whether the range is measured in yards or miles, omit the word yards or miles from the report. Merely say for 15,800 yards, "One five eight double oh" not "one five eight double oh yards." The plotter will understand that the range must be in yards sine no radar set has such a fantastic range as 15,800 miles. If the target's range is 45 miles, just say "forty five." The plotter will realize that the figure must be in miles. No radar set can pick up targets at 45 yards.

When reporting a bogey, the operator should furnish the information concerning the first contact of an unidentified group as quickly as possible. In the initial report the operator should determine as soon as possible whether the contact is a large or small group, the approximate bearing, the range, and whether the formation is opening, closing, or crossing. The second and subsequent reports should eliminate the approximation of the bearing and such words as small, large, closing, etc., unless there is additional data or a change in previously furnished information. They should also furnish a more accurate bearing, the up-to-the-minute rang; and the estimated number and type of aircraft.

Let us listen in on the 22JS circuit:

Reporting surface contact information.

  1. Surface contact: raid designation is so ordered.

  2. Bearing: true, unless relative has been specified.

  3. Range: yards.


  1. Number of targets.

  2. Type of echo: large steady pip, small bobbing pip.

  3. Amplifying data: large ship, small ship.

In reporting surface contacts and raids by surface craft, the same rules apply in-so-far as standard terminology and arrangement of information in the message is concerned.

Let us listen in on a 21JS circuit:

Speed is essential; your attention is called to this report from the USS South Dakota: "Involved and slow communications ... leave us at a tactical disadvantage." Every minute you lose in reporting enemy aircraft allows them to approach several miles closer. An airplane traveling only 300 miles an hour moves in on you at the rate of five miles a minute. This fact alone should make clear the necessity of keeping messages brief. Get off the line as quickly as possible so that others can report. There can be no, "Sorry, the line is busy."

Be accurate and precise, radar is accurate equipment. The enemy also has radar; that puts it pretty much up to you to be more accurate than the enemy.

Changing talkers.

The following procedure will he used when changing talkers at any radar station. When combat changes talkers, the old combat talker will say:

When phones are changed, the new combat talker will say:

When phones are changed, the new talker will say:

To which Combat will acknowledge the test by answering:

Circuit discipline.

Standing a radar watch is not always exciting. You may sit with the phones on for some time without observing a contact on the radar screen, hence no important messages will be passed over the circuit. Under these circumstances, it is easy to become careless and take part in a private conversation with someone else on the line. Recordings made on board ship show that several talkers may take part in such a conversation and because of this unnecessary talking there is the danger of delay when an important message must go through.

You as a talker, are a link in the Interior Communications chain, and that chain is no stronger than its weakest link. Unauthorized talking means that there are at least too week links in the chain; be efficient. If someone else on your circuit persists in useless talking, remind him that the line must be kept clear so there will be no delay when a message must go through.

Circuit discipline means that the talker must never show impatience, anger, or excitement. He must talk slowly, in a loud, clear voice. Circuit discipline means self-discipline.

Do not use slang or profanity on the phones.

Never say, for example "Yeah"; say "aye aye." Use correct nautical terms.

Navy language.

A good talker will do a better job if he knows what he is talking about. If you have a detailed knowledge of ship's terms you will be not only a better talker, but a more intelligent listener as well. You will know what is said because you will know what to expect. To properly report the contacts to the plotter you must know and use the common terms from the Fighter Director Code.

Dozens of examples could be given to illustrate how a talker, who does not know his ship, is a dangerous link in the communications chain. Ship's speech is made up of a number of new and unfamiliar terms.

A knowledge of such terms will help you as a talker and as a listener. You will find some of them in The Bluejackets' Manual; others will he learned from experience. Keep your eyes and ears open as you go about your ship. A familiar term will always be easier to understand and speak than a strange one.


Before securing the phones, you must always get permission. The procedure would be:


Know your ship and her language.
Figure 6-9. Know your ship and her language.

Sugar Charlie asks:

Combat says:

Combat gets permission for Sugar Charlie to secure, then:

Never secure the phones until you have permission to do so. When this permission has been given, you are ready to make up the phones. The phones will make up somewhat differently for various methods of stowage, but the following method will suit most conditions:

  1. Remove the plug from the jack-box by holding the plug in one hand and unscrewing the collar with the other. When the collar is loose, grasp the plug and pull it out. Never pull it out by the lead as this will weaken the connection. When the plug is out, lay it on the deck being careful not to drop it.

  2. Screw the cover on the jack-box. Always do this immediately. Rain, spray and dust will soon cause a short circuit in a jack-box that has been left uncovered. If you see a jack-box that has been left uncovered, cover it even though you were not responsible for this careless act.

  3. Remove the headband and hang it over the transmitter yoke.

  4. Leave the plug lying on the deck, and coil the lead cord. Start coiling from the end near the phone, and leave the rest on the deck. Coil the lead in a clockwise direction and hold the loops in one hand. The loops should be eight to ten inches across, depending on the size of the space where the phones are to be stowed. When you are coiling the lead be careful not to bang the plug against the bulkhead or deck.

  5. When the lead is coiled, remove the earpieces from the transmitter yoke, and place the headband in the same hand with the coil.

  6. Use the same hand to hold the transmitter while you unhook one end of the neck strap from the chest plate.

Stow phones when they ore not being used.
Figure 6-10. Stow phones when they ore not being used.


  1. Fold the transmitter yoke flat. Be very careful not to put a sharp bend in the transmitter cord when you do this.

  2. Bring the back of the chest plate together with the headband and the coil. Secure in this position by winding the neck strap around the coil and the headband just enough times so that there will be a short end left over. Fasten this end back on the breastplate. You will then have a neat, compact package to be stowed.

  3. Put the phones in the box provided. Be sure that all parts of the phones or cords are entirely inside the box. If the phones, or the inside of the box are wet, wipe them dry, for constant exposure to moisture will damage them. Close the box tightly so water and dust cannot get in. Below decks, hooks are provided so that phones may he hung up.

Remember that the phones must be unplugged no matter what method is used to secure them. Phones that are left plugged in, will pick up noise through the earpieces and carry it into the circuit. A most dangerous act is that of placing the phones on the deck. Besides the fact that someone may step on them, the deck will echo all the surrounding noise and cause it to go into the phones with great force.


  1. Test equipment as directed.

  2. Keep the transmitter one-half inch from your mouth, and the earpiece centered over your ears. Avoid dangling leads in placing and removing the phones.

  3. Talk in a loud, clear voice at all times. Suppress your accent.

  4. Speak slowly and remain calm.

  5. Repeat exactly the information given you to relay.

  6. Hold the transmitter button down when speaking and only when speaking.

  7. Call the station you wish to contact, next identify your own station, finally give your message. Example: "Sugar King (call); combat (identification) ; report when manned and ready (message)."

  8. Acknowledge all messages when they are understood. If you do not hear or understand a message, say only, "repeat."

  9. Use the circuit only for authorized messages.

  10. If the transmitter should go dead, talk through either earpiece.

  11. Report faulty equipment at once.

  12. Leave the phones only when you have permission to do so, as in changing phones or securing.

  13. In securing, carefully coil the lead wire so that it is not kinked, fold the phone, hang the phone up, or stow it carefully in a closed box with tightened cover.

  14. Secure the jack-box firmly screwing on the watertight cover.

When you are a telephone talker you have an important job. You and your phones are the nerves of the ship. If a message is not understandable, or if it is incorrectly repeated, your ship may be placed in danger. In battle, the safety of the ship and crew depends upon how well you used your voice and equipment.


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Transcribed and formatted by Larry Jewell & Patrick Clancey, HyperWar Foundation