Chapter XXXII
Instructions for Personnel Transferred Ashore in Combat Areas

Section 1. Individual Equipment

  1. The following items of equipment will be provided personnel transferred ashore in combat areas:

      BAG, Canvas, Field, OD 1 per officer
    27-B-725 BLANKET, Wool, OD, 66" x 84" 2 per individual
      BELT, Canteen 1 per individual
    74-C-60 Can, meat 1 per individual
    74-C-80 Canteen 2 per individual
      CASE, Dispatch, Canvas 1 per officer
      CAP, Utility 1 per individual
    74-C-300 COVER, Canteen, Dismounted 2 per individual
    74-C-290 COVER, Meat can 1 per individual
      CARRIER, Meat can 1 per individual
    74-C-145 CARRIER, Pack 1 per enlisted man
    74-C-154 CARRIER, Pickmattox 1 per pickmattox entrenching
    74-C-165 CARRIER, Shovel 1 per shovel entrenching
    26-C-21000 COT, Canvas, folding 1 per individual
    74-C-314 CUP 1 per individual
    74-F-60 FORK 1 per individual
      GLOVES, Work 1 pr. per individual
    74-H-91 HAVERSACK 1 per enlisted man
    2-H-1006 HELMET, Steel 1 per individual
      JACKET, Utility 2 per individual
      JACKET, OD 1 per individual
    74-K-60 KNIFE, Sheath 1 per individual
    74-K-50 KNIFE, Mess 1 per individual
    A37-M-302 MASK, Gas, MK III 1 per individual
      NET, Mosquito, 27"x76"x30" 1 per individual
    74-P-80 PICKMATTOX, Entrenching 1 per 6 enlisted men
    74-P-125 PIN, Shelter-Tent, Wood 5 per shelter half
    2-P-75 PACKET, First Aid 1 per individual
    23-P-147 PRESERVERS, Life belt, pneumatic, dual tube 1 per individual
      ROLL, Begging, Waterproof complete 1 per officer
      SHIRT, Utility 3 per individual
      SHOES, Field 2 prs. per individual
    74-S-160 SHOVEL, Entrenching 1 per individual
      PONCHO 1 per individual
      SPOON 1 per individual
      TENT, 8-man, complete 1 per 5 officers and men landed
    74-T-100 TENT, Shelter Half 1 per enlisted man
    2 per officer


      TROUSERS, Utility 3 prs. per individual
    2-B-1525 BELT, Webb, Pistol 1 per pistol
    2 B-2985 BRUSH, Wire, for 45 Cal. Pistol 1 per pistol
    2-C-455 CAN, Oil for 45 Cal. pistol 1 per pistol
    2-H-1435 HOLSTER, Pistol, 45 Cal. 1 per pistol
    2-M-130 MAGAZINE, Clip, for 45 cal. pistol 4 per pistol
    2-P-600 PATCHES, Flannel, Cleaning for 45 Cal. pistol 1 pkg. per pistol
    2-P-3418 PISTOL, Automatic, 45 Cal. 1 per officer
    2-P-4680 POCKET, Magazine, for 45 Cal. pistol 2 per pistol
    2-R-1735 ROD, Cleaning, for 45 Cal. pistol 1 per pistol
    2-C-1500 CARBINE, 30 Cal. complete with sling and oiler 1 per enlisted man
    2-M-150 MAGAZINE, Clip, for Carbine 3 per carbine
    2-P-4700 POCKET, Magazine, for Carbine 1 per carbine
    2-B-1402 BAYONET, for 30 cal. Rifle 1 per rifle
    2-B-1485 BELT, Rifle, 30 cal. 1 per rifle
    2-B-3057 BRUSH, for 30 Cal. Rifle 1 per rifle
    2-C-3975 COVER, Bayonet Scabbard, Webb 1 per bayonet
    2-P-600 PATCHES, Flannel, Cleaning 30 cal. 1 pkg. per rifle
    2-R-1045 RIFLE, 30 Cal. Springfield 1 per enlisted man
    2-S-310 SCABBARD, Bayonet 1 per bayonet
    2-S-4045 SLING, Webb, for 30 cal. rifle 1 per rifle

  1. Ships of the Amphibious Forces, U.S. pacific Fleet, will maintain stocks of the foregoing items as follows:

    APA and LSD     100 sets
    AKA, LSV and AGC     50 sets
    AP (when in assault echelons)     25 sets
    LST and LSM     10 sets
    LCI     5 sets

  2. The above stocks shall be maintained for outfitting of personnel transferred ashore in combat areas and shall be issued to all such personnel irrespective of whether or not they are part of the issuing ship's complement. This equipment shall not be worn on board nor in ship's boats.

  3. Enroute to an objective personnel definitely destined to go ashore should be fitted as to size, and individual packs, preferably in sea bags, made up, marked with the individual's name and stowed handy for issue as personnel goes ashore.


Section 2. Clothing and Toilet Articles

  1. In addition to the foregoing items of combat equipment, Commanding Officers should make certain that personnel transferred ashore have provided themselves with the following minimum requirements of clothing and toilet articles:

    Brush, Tooth 1
    Comb 1
    Cream, Shaving, Tube 1
    Drawers 6
    Handkerchiefs 6
    Paste, Tooth, Tube 1
    Razor, Safety 1
    Soap, Toilet, Bars 3
    Soap, Laundry, Bars 3
    Socks, Pairs 6
    Towels, Bath 2

  2. Clothing and other personal gear of men transferred ashore in combat areas which may be left on board shall be inventoried, placed in sea bags and stowed in locked storerooms for transfer to Administrative agencies in rear areas, as may be directed. A chain of responsibility shall be maintained in the transfer of this personal property to rear areas and until eventual redelivery to the owner.

Section 3. Hints for Personal Safety and Comfort

  1. Naval personnel transferred ashore in forward areas will, in the majority of cases, be undergoing a new type of experience for which they are not prepared by previous training. The following pointers will be found useful in making life a little easier and safer ashore:

    1. Each man immediately upon landing, should dig a slit-trench close to his working station. This trench should be dug perpendicular to the beach and of sufficient depth and width to insure maximum protection and comfort.

    2. Don't get caught in the open on your feet. Very few people are injured who take shelter promptly and properly.

    3. Take cover in your slit-trench if strafed or bombed on the beach by enemy aircraft.

    4. If and when you can, roof your fox-holes and slit-trenches. Bomb fragments are dangerous.

    5. Never cut down cover.

    6. Carry cigarettes, matches and other articles which might be spoiled by dampness in watertight containers. Tinned cigarettes are best.


    1. Take ashore the field equipment authorized in Section 1 of this chapter. Be sure clothes and shoes fit properly.

    2. Your field shoes will be more comfortable if they are wet down.

    3. A good supply of toilet paper is essential: about two rolls initially.

    4. Portable "Chic Sales" should be provided on the basis of one for 20 officers (2-hole) and one for each 50 enlisted men or fraction thereof (4-hole).

    5. A little lime or other disinfectant, and daily burning of fecal matter by a few drops of oil, will make the odor of "Chic Sales" a little less prevalent and will keep down flies.

    6. A small amount of lumber and "small stuff" will prove to be useful. Dunnage from ships is invaluable.

    7. A few camp stools will add to the comfort of individuals and are more or less necessary for writing and typing.

    8. A clothes rack consisting of an upright with cross pieces or nails will come in very handy for hanging up clothes and equipment.

    9. All water should be chlorinated before drinking.


    11. Boat crews may be in their boats for extended periods. Sufficient canvas for shelter should be provided.

    12. Look out for "booby traps". Souvenirs lying around loose may have high explosives attached.

    13. Do not destroy or appropriate captured enemy material. What is of small value to you may be invaluable if placed in the hands of the proper authorities. This applies particularly to arms, ammunition, aircraft equipment and instruments, radio and radar material and all enemy correspondence, maps, plans and the like. DON'T TAKE IT YOURSELF AND SEE THAT NO UNAUTHORIZED PERSON GETS IT. POINT IT OUT OR DELIVER IT TO AN OFFICER IN YOUR UNIT.


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