NOTE: This Operation Plan was transcribed from COPY NO. 1016, typed 60 years ago. The pages have aged, the type is not always clear, and the text has been amended by hand-written notes (which will be shown in green, although it is not always clear where the hand-written notes are additions, or corrections or simply clarify faint text. Deleted text (strike-thru) is displayed in [grey].

Every reasonable step has been taken to preserve the original formatting, pagination, spelling, etc., but allowances should always be made for the possibility of errors in my transcription.    --HyperWar


  1. General.

    1. This annex is derived from General Headquarters Operations Instructions No. 70, Annex 4, dated 21 September 1944.

    2. The COMMANDER SERVICE FORCE, Seventh Fleet, will establish direct correspondence with agencies concerned in order to determine specific and/or total requirements.

  2. Forces of Southwest Pacific Area, Leyte Operation.

    1. Supply Bases.

      1. Naval Bases at Manus and HOLLANDIA will be principal source for initial supply.

      2. UNITED STATES and AUSTRALIA augmented by bases in NEW GUINEA and the ADMIRALTY ISLANDS, as necessary, for resupply.

    2. Supply.

      1. It is expected that all combatant and auxiliary ships will have availed themselves of every opportunity to procure stores in advance of this operation to insure departure areas with the below listed levels. Insofar as possible, SEVENTH FLEET supply agencies in NEW GUINEA and the ADMIRALTY ISLANDS and CINCPOA supplements at MANUS will be utilized to accomplish these levels.
          Ammunition - To authorized capacity.
          Fuels and lubricants - To authorized capacity.
          Dry Provisions - Maximum capacity, but not to exceed 120 days for ship's company and 30 days for embarked troops.
          Fresh Provisions - To maximum capacity.
          General Stores - 120 days.
          Clothing and Small Stores - 120 days.
          Ship's Store Stock - 120 days.
          Medical Stores - 120 days.

      2. USASOS will be prepared to furnish to ALLIED NAVAL Forces, in emergency, supplies common to the U.S. Army and U.S. Navy from Intermediate and Advance Bases in NEW GUINEA.

      3. Rationing of provisions, particularly fresh and frozen, will probably be necessary. Small ships will be given preference in provision issues. Large Ships (CL and larger) will be provisioned on basis of serving at least one complete dry ration every sixth day, or oftener. Large ships will furnish provisions to small ships as opportunity permits.

      4. Commander SERVICE FORCE, Seventh Fleet will provide for LEYTE Task Forces as follows:

        1. Fuel, provisions and water at MANUS.
        2. Fuel, provisions, water and ammunition at HOLLANDIA.
        3. Limited fuel and provisions at WOENDI. Ammunition (RAN).
        4. Replacement fuel at LEYTE (Floating Storage) A+4.
        5. Replacement ammunition at LEYTE (Floating Storage) A+4.
        6. Resupply provisions at LEYTE by A+30.
        7. Tender and drydock repair facilities for all types of vessels at MANUS. Tender repair facilities for Amphibious craft and Destroyers at HOLLANDIA.
        8. Assign ARL 41 Achilles (Ex LST 453) to accompany Northern Attack Force and be under operational control CTF 78 until released to COMSERFOR at LEYTE.

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      1. Commander SERVICE FORCE, Seventh Fleet, will continue to provide logistic support at MANUS for PACIFIC OCEAN AREA Forces as agreed upon at the MANUS Logistic COnference.

      2. The Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will appoint a SERVICE FORCE REPRESENTATIVE for Naval Force afloat, LEYTE area. He will be identified as TASK UNIT LEYTE (T.U. 77.7.2) and will be on station A+4. This unit will proceed on convoy with the NORTHERN ATTACK FORCE and upon arrival at objective area will be detached and become a separate command.

      3. Fueling Schedule.

        1. In area approximately 90 miles West of point ART on SHEARWATER Route, a Task Unit *T.U. 77.7.1) of the SERVICE GROUP consisting of three Fleet Oilers, with Escort, will be on station at 0600, A-5, to fuel T.G. 77.5 and T.G. 78.4. This fueling should be completed about 1400 same day, after which the APD's of T.G. 77.6, the DD's, CA's and CL's of T.G. 77.2 will be refueled. The oilers will proceed in convoy during fueling and upon completion about 1200, A-4, will return along SHEARWATER Route to point ART where they will be on station at 1200, A-3. In this area the oilers will join the LST Group of Southern Attack Force. (T.F. 79) and while proceeding in convoy, refuel LST's and Escorts, as specified by CTF 79. Oilers will return to point ART where they will be on station at 0600, A-2. These oilers will fuel the Transports and Escorts of Southern Attack Force as specified by CTF 79. Upon completion of this refueling, the oilers will proceed to KOSSOL ROADS to be replenished. One oiler will be temporarily detached and remain at KOSSOL ROADS. The Task Unit, less one oiler, will then proceed, with Escort, to Southern part of ACCIPITER area approximately 110 miles East of point FIN by A+2, where they will be available to fuel units of T.G. 77.2 and other units as required. Upon completion of this fueling these two oilers, with escort, will return to KOSSOL ROADS, replenish and return to same area in ACCIPITER as before, by A+9, to refuel T.G. 77.4. After this fueling the Task Unit will return to KOSSOL ROADS and await further orders.

        2. One additional fleet oiler will be held in reserve at KOSSOL ROADS from A-5 until released.

        3. Task Unit 77.7.1 while proceeding East to contact succeeding forces, groups, or units will follow a course 5 miles south of route SHEARWATER.

      4. Commander SERVICE FORCE PACIFIC will provide the following, with restrictions and augmentation as indicated:

        1. Ammunition Ships 8-A and 8-B will remain under the control of CINCPOA, but will be held at MANUS as a floating reserve for the KING TWO operation, for call forward during the assault phase. Following the assault phase, one or both of these ships ay remain unloaded may be called forward by Commanding General, SIXTH ARMY, to supply the XXIV Corps with sufficient Ammunition to provide for prescribed amounts to accompany that Corps when next mounted from the KING TWO area for combat operations.

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        1. One clean Fleet Oiler, capacity approximately 100,000 barrels, for use as a water ship to back up the Amphibious Forces. The ship assigned will probably be the Ponaganset (AO 86) now basing at MANUS. It will have to be filled at MANUS. To report at LEYTE A+4.

        2. ONE Liberty Ship (probably the Ovid Butler now at MANUS) loaded with 27,000 drums Avgas and 1000 drums 1120 oil.

        3. ONE Floating storage tanker, with split load of 27,000 barrels Avgas and 40,000 barrels diesel fuel. Also TWO floating fuel oil storage tankers, capacity unknown, loaded with Navy Special Fuel. These tankers to proceed to target area by A+4. These vessels to be only temporarily assigned to SEVENTH FLEET until required by CINCPOA for succeeding Operations. COMSERFOR SEVENTH FLEET will provide replenishment to keep these vessels filled.

        4. ONE tank barge, loaded with 360,000 gallons Avgas, to be moved to objective area.

        5. 500,000 barrels Navy Special Furnace Oil and 100,000 barrels Diesel Oil at KOSSOL ROADS for the refueling of Ships under operational control of Commander SEVENTH FLEET. Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will make available at MANUS for use by CINCPOA vessels a quantity of fuel equal to that furnished SEVENTH FLEET by CINCPOA at KOSSOL ROADS.

        6. Maximum of THREE fleet oilers from reserve oilers in SOPAC and MARSHALLS. To report at HOLLANDIA.

        7. Provide FRESH-FROZEN PROVISIONS, and limited DRY PROVISIONS at MANUS for all POA vessels basing there except those permanently assigned to the SEVENTH FLEET. Arrange to supply ALL VESSELS, as necessary, at KOSSOL ROADS with PROVISIONS.

      1. Aviation Supply.

        1. Supply and replacements of aeronautical material will be made available by COMAIRPAC through subordinate Commands by use of aviation supply ships, barges, depots and annexes.

          1. Primary support will be provided by the ASD at MANUS, and the USS Fortune at MANUS from 25 September to 10 October and then at KOSSOL ROADS from 14 October.

          2. Replacement aircraft and personnel will be provided from CVE's on station at KOSSOL ROADS from 21 October. These CVE's will be resupplied at MANUS.

          3. Aviation petroleum products, ammunition, and bombs, will be provided at KOSSOL ROADS by COMSERFORPAC.

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    1. Medical Plan.

      1. General Information.

        1. One APH is accompanying XXIV Corps assault shipping and will be available for evacuation of wounded.

        2. The Hospital Ship Mercy will be made available to the Southwest Pacific Area at HOLLANDIA between the 15th and 25th of October. The Comfort, Tasman and Maetsuycker, Hospital Ships, will also be available for casualty care.

        3. Each AH except Tasman and Maetsuycker can evacuate approximately 500 stretcher patients. These two can each handle 250 stretcher patients. Each APH can evacuate approximately 200 stretcher patients and 500 ambulatory patients. Ships of these classes not able to handle this number of patients should report their capability to Commander Service Force, SEVENTH FLEET immediately upon receipt of this plan.

        4. Each AH and APH should report to Commander Service Force, SEVENTH FLEET the rate with which they can receive stretcher patients both day and night under the following conditions:
            Smooth Sea
            5% roll
            10% roll.

        5. Each AH and APH should anticipate a rough sea, and have winchmen properly trained in advance to operate booms for the loading of patients over the side, rather than by the gangway.

        6. In general, ships are fitted to accommodate casualties as follows:

          Type Stretcher Ambulatory
          APH 150 325
          AP 75 200
          AKA 15 50
          LSV 50 200

        7. All ships, including hospital ships, receiving casualties will exchange as many stretchers, bunk straps, blankets and metal or plywood splints as received. Stocks of these will be kept on deck in order to avoid delay in releasing boats.

        8. All Navy Garrison Personnel sent to LEYTE will be immunized against CHOLERA, TYPHUS FEVER and PLAGUE.

        9. Thirty days supply of ATABRINE must accompany LEYTE NAVAL GARRISON PERSONNEL.

        10. All landing craft and aircraft staging from NEW GUINEA Area will be sprayed with Freon-Pyrethreum bombs after leaving staging area. All craft will equip themselves to accomplish this.

      2. Evacuation of Casualties.

        1. During the assault phase, all casualties requiring immediate hospitalization will be evacuated. Upon completion of the assault phase, and as soon as adequate hospital facilities have been established, evacuation of casualties will be limited to those whose physical condition requires prolonged hospitalization.

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        1. The Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, and the Commander ALLIED AIR Forces, are responsible for determining the number and kinds of Army casualties to be evacuated by water and air from objective areas.

        2. Surface evacuation of casualties from objective areas will be by assault Naval craft, assault transports and Geneva-protected hospital ships, and in emergencies by heavy shipping. Surface evacuation will be supplemented by air evacuation as soon as practicable.

        3. Evacuation of casualties will be to SOUTHERN PACIFIC Area or PACIFIC OCEAN Area Bases in accordance with established bed credits. EIGHTH U.S. ARMY Supply Points on the line of evacuation may be used in emergency.

        4. Commanders operating surface shipping are responsible for furnishing adequate medical supplies, equipment and personnel for the ease and attendance of casualties enroute. The Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, is responsible for placing medical hospital detachments aboard heavy shipping employed in emergency evacuation of casualties.

        5. The Commanding Genera, U.S. Army Service of Supply, will be prepared to make available Geneva-protected hospital ships upon direction of General Headquarters for the evacuation of casualties from objective areas. In movement to objective areas, upon direction of General Headquarters these hospital ships will come under the operational control of the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, upon their departure from a U.S. Army Services of Supply port or upon arrival at a SIXTH U.S. ARMY Regulating Station, whichever point may be farthest forward. Such hospital ships evacuating patients will revert to the control of the Commanding General, U.S. Army Services of Supply, on arrival at a U.S. Army Services of Supply port or a SIXTH U.S. ARMY Regulating Station, for movement of casualties to base as desired. The movement of hospital ships in forward areas will be so controlled by the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, that they may be loaded expeditiously and removed from the combat zone in a minimum of time.

        6. Army casualties evacuated from objective areas on Naval assault craft are under the control of the Commander SEVENTH FLEET from the time embarked until they arrive at destination ports, at which point they pass to the control of the Commanding General, EIGHTH U.S. ARMY, or the Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, as appropriate. Evacuation by assault transports or Geneva-protected hospital ships will be to hospitals in U.S. Army Services of Supply or Naval Bases in accordance with bed credits established therein.

        7. Casualties evacuated by air from objective areas are under control of the Commander ALLIED AIR Forces, from the time emplaned until they arrive at EIGHTH U.S. ARMY

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          Supply Points, U.S. Army Services of Supply or Naval Bases, or areas under the control of the ALLIED AIR Forces, at which points they pass to the control of the appropriate commanders. The Commander, ALLIED AIR Forces is responsible for furnishing adequate medical supplies, equipment and personnel for the care and attendance of patients while in flight. Stripside medical service and emergency hospitalization will be provided by the Commander in Chief, PACIFIC OCEAN Area, at PALAU insofar as practicable with facilities available at the point at the time.

        1. The Commander, ALLIED AIR Forces, will determine the practicability of air evacuation.

        2. The Commanding General, U.S. Army Services of Supply, and the Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, are responsible for secondary evacuation from Advance and Intermediate Bases.

        3. The Commander SEVENTH FLEET will establish procedure to effect transmission, security permitting, of reports to the Commanding General, U.S. Army Services of Supply, the Commanding General EIGHTH U.S. ARMY, or the Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, as appropriate, twenty-four (24) hours prior to the arrival of ships evacuating casualties at destination ports as follows:

            Destination Port.
            Number of ambulant patients.
            Number of mental patients.
            Number of litter patients.

          The latter commanders will take necessary measures to insure prompt reception and care of patients at destination ports.

    1. Hospitalization.

      1. The Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, is responsible for providing hospital facilities in objective areas. During the early phases of the operation and prior to the establishment of fixed hospitals in the objective areas, minor casualties will be hospitalized in mobile-type hospitals, assigned to the Task Forces. Fixed-type hospitals will be established under tentage as rapidly as the tactical situation permits.

      2. The SIXTH U.S. ARMY will be provided hospital bed credits as follows:

        1. To the Commanding General, U.S. Army Services of Supply at U.S. Army Services of Supply bases in NEW GUINEA:

          3,000 additional
          3,000 additional.

        2. The Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will make available sufficient additional beds in Naval bases and/or afloat for casualties of the Naval forces deployed.

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    1. Transportation.

      1. Naval assault shipping, augmented by U.S. ARmy Services of Supply-crewed AK's as necessary, will transport the initial echelon of resupply from mounting areas to the objective area. Heavy shipping will be made available to the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, to move organizations and their equipment which cannot be lifted by assault Naval craft.

      2. The Commanding General, U.S. Army Services of Supply will:

        1. Be prepared to relieve, upon direction of GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, the Commander SEVENTH FLEET from responsibility for transportation of troops and supplies to the LEYTE Area by A+30, subject to exceptions arranged by the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY and the Commander SEVENTH FLEET.

      3. The Commander SEVENTH FLEET will:

        1. Provide overwater transportation of troops and accompanying supplies, for elements of SIXTH U.S. ARMY, and ALLIED AIR Forces employed in these operations, at times and to places designated by the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY.

        2. Control all shipping operating in direct support of these operations.

        3. Supply, jointly with the Commanding General, U.S. Army Services of Supply, lighterage facilities, barges, tugs, floating wharves, and amphibious craft required in the objective area.

        4. Conduct a slow convoy moving lighterage craft and slow moving vessels and tankers to it will arrive at destination in the objective area prior to or coincident with the planned first arrival of heavy shipping, and not later than A+10.

        5. Provide two (2) medium capacity tankers (65-70,000 barrels), the Mink IX 123 and Panda IX 125, to arrive at destination in the objective area not later than A+12. One tanker will be loaded with approximately 44,000 barrels of aviation gasoline and 21,000 barrels of automotive diesel fuel, and one (1) to be loaded with approximately 44,000 barrels of motor transport gasoline and 21,000 barrels of automotive diesel fuel.

        6. Make available to the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, from A-25, a qualified representative for duty as adviser and inspector fo loading and rigging of craft to be towed to the LEYTE area.

      4. The Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY will:

        1. Control the movement of shipping forward of the Regulating Station at SEEADLER HARBOR into the LEYTE area, until responsibility for logistic support is transferred by direction of GENERAL HEADQUARTERS to the Commanding General, U.S. Army Services of Supply, and the Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET.

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        1. Direct the movement, through the Commander SEVENTH FLEET, and control the employment of Geneva-protected hospital ships upon their departure from a U.S. Army Services of Supply port or upon arrival at a SIXTH U.S. ARMY Regulating Station, and their return to U.S. ARMY Services of Supply ports, EIGHTH U.S. ARMY Supply points, or a SIXTH U.S. ARMY Regulating Station, whichever is applicable.

      1. The Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY and U.S. ARMY Services of Supply, and the Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will cooperate to provide essential harbor craft to assist in unloading cargo in the objective areas.

    1. Construction.

      1. The Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY is responsible for the initiation and prosecution of construction of all facilities in LEYTE GULF area until the responsibility for providing logistic support for forces in the LEYTE GULF area is transferred by direction of GENERAL HEADQUARTERS, to the Commanding General, U.S. ARMY Services of Supply and the Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, target date A+30.

      2. Details of Construction.

        1. Allotment of areas.
          Areas in the objective area will be allotted to requiring services by the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, after ground reconnaissance of the sites, in general conformity with the allotment of areas as shown in map transmitted by GENERAL HEADQUARTERS letter AG 600 (21 Sept 44)E, subject "Allocation of Areas in the LEYTE-SAMAR Area". Unallocated areas may be assigned by the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY as required.

        2. Naval Facilities consisting of the following installations will be installed concurrently with Army developments in the LEYTE area. The Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will arrange with the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, for necessary transportation for Naval personnel, equipment and supplies for construction and operation of Naval facilities:

          CUB 12 (Augmented)
          2 Garrison Beach Parties (Nos. 1 and 2)
          Amphibious Boat Pool (150 Craft)
          A3 Administration (Small)
          B1 Harbor Entrance Control Post.
          B3 Underwater Detection (Medium)
          B4B Port Director (Medium) Includes additional pontoons with jewelry
          B4C Harbor Patrol plus 36 pontoons with jewelry.
          B5A Boat Pool plus 420 pontoons with jewelry.

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          CUB 12 (Augmented): (Cont'd)
          B6 Surface Detection Radar (Large)
          B8 Minesweeping Component
          B9 Fleet Moorings
          B10 Navigation Aids
          CBMU #517 Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit (Civil Affairs)
          1/2PL#85 Construction Battalion
          1/2F1 #6 Construction Battalion (Special)
          Communication Unit #431
             C-1 Radio Station Operating Base (Large)
             C-5 Radio Station Airbase (Small)
             C-7 Visual Station Operating Base (Large)
             C-8 Visual Station Operating Base (Small)
             C-9 Radio Station Harbor Defense
             C-10 Fleet Post Office (Large)
             C-13 Internal Communications (Medium)
             C-17 Teletypewriter System
             C-18 V-Mail Component
          D-2 Storage Facilities (Medium) plus 21 pontoons with jewelry
          D-14 Cobbler and Tailor Shop (Medium)
          E-8 Repair Small Boats plus 132 pontoons with jewelry
          E-16 Oxygen Generating Plant
          E-17 Acetylene Generating Plant
          CO2 Plant
          E-19 Typewriter Repair Component
          G-6 Dispensary - 100-bed - Mobile
          G-7 Dispensary - 50 bed
          G-10 Dispensary - 10-bed - Mobile
          G-14 Sub-Dispensary Dental - Mobile
          J-2 Base Machine Gun COmponent
          8N1A Camp (250 Men) Tents
          8N5B Camp buildings (250 Men) - Tropical
          N6B Bakery (2000 Men)
          N-9 Base Recreation Component
          N-11 Base Educational Services Component (Small)
          P-3 Base Construction Equipment Component (Medium)
          P6C Fire Protection, Decontamination and Camouflage
          P-7 Water Supply System (Purification)
          2P9 Wooden Pier
          Tank Farm
          NATS Landplane Unit and Facilities
          VMB(M) #611 - Ground Echelon
          Class IV E for VMR and 1 PBHL
          Class V A for VMB and 1 PBHL
          VMB(M) Air Echelon
          Radio Station "AP"
          Construction Materials
          4488 Pontoons with jewelry
          Aviation Supply Depot
          Pilot Replacement Camp

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          CUB 12 (Augmented): (Cont'd)
          Civil Affairs Material
          Additional Recreation Facilities
          Aviation Repair and Overhaul Unit (NO.2)
          Replacement Aircraft Pool and Facilities
          Construction Materials (Pipe)
          ACORN 34
          P1 #61 Construction Battalion
          CBMU #598 Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit
          A3 Administration (Small)
          C14 Internal Communications (Small)
          C17 Teletypewriter System
          D10 Storage Facilities (Small)
          D14 Cobbler and Tailor Ship (Medium)
          G6 Dispensary - 100 Bed - Mobile
          H9 Aircraft Combat Operations (Basic)
          H10 Additional Operating Equipment - Landplanes
          H11 Additional Operating Equipment - Seaplanes
          H12 Supplemental Aircraft Maintenance Equipment
          2H14C Aviation Tank Farm (Small)
          H14D Ready Aviation Gasoline Storage
          H17B Photo Lab (Medium)
          J2 Base Machine Gun Component
          J3D Ammunition Component
          2JAA Bomb Disposal Component
          J7B Bomb Component
          2J7C Bomb Component - Composite Type (Nos. 1 and 2)
          J14A Machine Gun Maintenance Component
          8N1A Camp (250 Men) Tents.
          8N5B Camp Buildings (250 Men) Tropical
          N6B Bakery (2000 Men)
          Q1 Rapid Landing Gear
          E3 AD Equivalent
          E6 Mobile Amphibious Base Repair Component
          PT Advance Base
          PT Base #-5 (Operating Unit)
          Mobile Communication Unit #7
          2 Naval Construction Battalions
          1/2 Construction Battalion (Special)
          2 additional Construction Battalions and 1/2 C.B Special to be moved in later if necessary.
          2 Lumber Mills
          Miscellaneous SOUTHWEST PACIFIC AREA materials
          33 LCM's
          P.T. Bases (#15 and #17) (Overhaul Units)

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          2D4 Tank Farm (Medium) Modified
          2G4 Hospital - 200 Bed
          2 Link Transceivers (Type MN)
          5E16 Oxygen Generating Plant
          Acorn 30 or Equivalent (Seaplane Acorn)
          1 15 KW Generator
          4 Buoy Boats
          20 Sono Buoys
          3 Pontoon Barges (4x12)
          4 Sono Buoy Receivers (S-22R)
          E17 Acetylene Generating Plant

        1. Areas in the vicinity of TACLOBAN, suitable for advanced headquarters installations will be allocated to each of the following:
            General Headquarters, Southwest Pacific Area.
            Headquarters Allied Air Forces
            Headquarters Allied Naval Forces
            Headquarters USAFFE
            Headquarters USASOS
          The area allotted each headquarters will be approximately 10 acres and construction of office buildings will not exceed 25,000 sq. ft. of office space per headquarters installation.

        2. Maximum use will be made of local labor, materials and existing buildings and facilities. Naval personnel will not be sheltered in structures which have been used as Native habitations.

        3. The Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will furnish type plans of complete Naval requirements within scope of this annex to the Commanding General, SIXTH ARMY, without delay, for planning purposes, and to GENERAL HEADQUARTERS for review by A-25.

        4. Mail.

          1. Distribution in accordance with existing instructions. The numerical designation of Army and Naval postal units attached to the XXIV Corps and accompanying Garrison Force (Island Command) will not be changed.

        5. Miscellaneous.

          1. The Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will provide the prospective Naval Base Commander for this operation, to be under the operational control of the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, effective A-day for the purpose of providing logistic support for the Naval forces in the LEYTE area, and to construct, establish, and operate Naval base facilities. The Prospective Commander of the Naval Base will report to the

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            Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, without delay for planning purposes. Control of the Naval Command ashore will revert to the Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET at the time responsibility for logistic support of Naval force is transferred by direction of GENERAL HEADQUARTERS to the Commander SEVENTH FLEET. Target date: A+30.

          1. The Commander SERVICE FORCE, SEVENTH FLEET, will make available upon call of the Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, staff representatives to assist in the planning of naval operating facilities to be established in the LEYTE area.

          2. The Commanding General, SIXTH U.S. ARMY, will be responsible for coordination of detailed logistic and construction planning for this operation. He will specify the time and place representatives of the various supporting services will report to him for this purpose.

          3. labor, available locally, will be employed to the greatest extent practicable. It will be organized for employment, initially to supplement and later to replace service troops of all types.

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