Over the next five years, -ISM (N.)'s plan for growth includes:

Pioneering curricula to 100 schools. -ISM (N.) plans to expand its pioneering media-based curricula to over 100 colleges and universities within five years involving 300 faculty and 6,300 students in a four-month course. -ISM (N.) will also reach 630,000 students through student leadership and campus programs such as first-year orientation, community forums, residential life, and other curriculum integration.

Secondary schools. -ISM (N.) plans to introduce its media-based diversity education and civic participation curricula models to secondary schools nationally--starting by building community collaborations with our 19 existing higher education partners. -ISM (N.) will begin with a pilot in three areas of the country involving up to nine high schools. While the expansion strategy will be developed during this time, we believe the -ISM (N.) curricula could reach 150 schools within three years.

New products and services. -ISM (N.) will create, test, and evaluate three additional media-based diversity and civic participation curricular models within four years. These models will emerge from new collaborations with potential partners.

Building a national infrastructure. -ISM (N.) will integrate its three pilot programs to create a strong national infrastructure for -ISM (N.)'s ongoing educational activities. The television documentary My So-Called Community will provide extensive outreach and lead to ongoing production and broadcast of video diaries from young people about diversity. The -ISM (N.) Campus Diversity Summit will develop into an annual educational event involving over 25,000 students from over 200 schools. The Curricula and Faculty Development Project will provide in-depth support and training with diversity pedagogy.

  © 1998 Institute for Public Media Arts
115 Market Street
Durham, NC 27701