Malkia K. Lydia
Curricula Project Manager
Malkia K. Lydia is the Project Manager for the -ISM(N.) Project. Most recently she worked with the Department of Human Services (DC). At PBS's K-12 Learning Services Department in 1994-95, Lydia worked with PBS member stations around the country on a national publication, PBS Profiles. She also served as Associate Director of DC Public Allies in 1993-94 where she oversaw training and management of 24 national service participants. Lydia has worked as a program associate at the Advocacy Institute where she managed Young People for National Service, a network of over 1000 young people mobilized to influence Congressional and White House proceedings on national service legislation. She has developed training programs for the Department of Justice, Youth Service America, and Black Student Leadership of the Children's Defense Fund, of which she was on the national coordinating committee.
Malkia is currently studying filmmaking at Temple University, and she can be reached at

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