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Appendix 2


How to contribute to this book

As a copylefted work, this book is open to revision and expansion by any interested parties. The only "catch" is that credit must be given where credit is due.

If you wish to cite portions of this book in a work of your own, you must follow the same guidelines as for any other copyrighted work. Here is a sample for the CreativeCommons CC BY License:

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Public License, the Licensor 
hereby grants You a worldwide, royalty-free, non-sublicensable, 
non-exclusive, irrevocable license to exercise the Licensed Rights in the 
Licensed Material to:

    A. reproduce and Share the Licensed Material, in whole or in part; and
    B. produce, reproduce, and Share Adapted Material

No warranties are given. The license may not give you all of the 
permissions necessary for your intended use. For example, other rights 
such as publicity, privacy, or moral rights may limit how you use the 

If you wish to modify this book in any way, you should document the nature of those modifications in the "Credits" section along with your name, and ideally, information concerning how you may be contacted. Again, the CC BY License:

You are free to:
   (a) Share -- copy and redistribute the material in any medium
       or format.                                                      
   (b)  Adapt -- remix, transform, and build upon the material
        for any purpose, even commercially. 
   (c)  Attribution -- You must give appropriate credit, provide 
        a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. 
        You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any 
        way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.

Given the complexities and security issues surrounding the maintenance of files comprising this book, it is recommended that you submit any revisions or expansions to the original author (Tony R. Kuphaldt). You are, of course, welcome to modify this book directly by editing your own personal copy, but we would all stand to benefit from your contributions if your ideas were incorporated into the online "master copy" where all the world can see it.


All entries arranged in alphabetical order of surname. Major contributions are listed by individual name with some detail on the nature of the contribution(s), date, contact info, etc. Minor contributions (typo corrections, etc.) are listed by name only for reasons of brevity. Please understand that when I classify a contribution as "minor," it is in no way inferior to the effort or value of a "major" contribution, just smaller in the sense of less text changed. Any and all contributions are gratefully accepted. I am indebted to all those who have given freely of their own knowledge, time, and resources to make this a better book!

John Anhalt

Benjamin Crowell, Ph.D.

Dennis Crunkilton

Tony R. Kuphaldt

Ron LaPlante

Davy Van Nieuwenborgh

Ray A. Rayburn

Jason Starck

Warren Young

Your name here

Typo corrections and other "minor" contributions

Lessons In Electric Circuits copyright (C) 2002-2023 Tony R. Kuphaldt, under the terms and conditions of the CC BY License.

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