"Happy Birthday, Brenda" Card

I created this card for my first Photoshop assignment. To create the card, I used a lot of layers, most of which were unintentional...I had planned for all the flowers to be like the white one with pink edges, but they kept coming out different ways. I cannot remember a time in my life when I had any less of a clue as to what I was doing.

And yet, I learned something very important on this assignment. That is, if I keep my mouth shut and act as though I know what I'm doing, people give me credit for the most profound things. One reviewer commented on the symbolism of the "weeping strawberries"; others commented on the ingenius "balance" of colors in the flowers, which happened solely because, er...I'm a genius -- right! That's the reason!

The colors, and the strawberries, are a tribute to my friend Brenda, one of the most cheerful and supportive people I know! When I did this crazy thing of leaving my corporate job to go to film school for a year, Brenda cheered me on 100%, like the great friend she is. So the card may say "Happy Birthday"...but I've included it here on my site to say THANKS again, Brenda!

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