The Ford Pets

H27-3. Gerald Ford with his pet Boston Terrier. ca. 1916. Different sources identify the dog as either Spot or Fleck. Image size: 212K

A1206-12A. Susan Ford with Shan, the Ford family's Siamese Cat. October 4, 1974. Image size: 179K

A1633-10. President Ford and Liberty walk the grounds of Camp David. October 26, 1974. Image size: 64K

A1813-23. President Ford and Liberty in the Oval Office. November 7, 1974. Image size: 165K

A1831-18A. Liberty on the South Lawn of the White House. November 8, 1974. Image size: 279K

A3059-9A. President Ford relaxes with Liberty while working on a Sunday afternoon in the Oval Office. February 2, 1975. Image size: 110K

A6476-18. Susan, Mrs. Ford, and President Ford with Liberty and puppies. Image size: 173K

A6479-18. Susan, Mrs. Ford, and President Ford with Liberty and puppies. Image size: 307K

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