Arms Negotiation at Vladivostok

A2104-11A. President Ford and Soviet General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev at the Okeansky Sanitarium, Vladivostok, USSR. November 23, 1974. Image size: 118K

A2106-12A. President Ford chats with Soviet General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev during the President's trip to Vladivostok. November 23, 1974. Image size: 83K

A2092-3A. President Ford and Soviet General Secretary Leonid I. Brezhnev sign a Joint Communique following talks on the limitation of strategic offensive arms. The document was signed in the conference hall of the Okeansky Sanitarium, Vladivostok, USSR. November 24, 1974. Image size: 41K

A2093-24. President Ford and his aides discuss negotiating strategy outdoors, in -20 degree weather, for fear of being electronically monitored by their Russian hosts. November 24, 1974. Image size: 151K

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