Douse Point and Brush Wharf Range Lights, Prince Edward Island

The photos at the right were provided by Kelly Anne Loughery, who discovered these lighthouses by accident while driving on a back road near Murray River, Prince Edward Island. She was able to determine that the lighthouses had come from Orwell Cove, about 20 km (13 mi) to the northwest. Orwell Cove is on the east side of Hillsborough Bay about 25 km (15 mi) southeast of Charlottetown.

The identity of these lighthouses was a mystery for some time. Our thanks now to Dave Hunter, who has identified them as the Douse Point Range Lights. These lighthouses were built in 1898 on Douse Point, on the east side of Orwell River, to guide vessels entering the river from Hillsborough Bay. Hunter grew up in a house only a few yards from the lighthouses.

Hunter writes, "in the 50's and early 60's, we used to go down with Kenny MacLeod, the lighthouse keeper at the time, and help him light the oil lamps each evening. Later on, of course, the lamps were replaced with automated electric lights...Before him the keeper was Walter MacLeod also from just up the road (he lived right across from the old schoolhouse in the house now owned by Enman's). He
used to come down to light the lights with an old horse and cart. I remember it well, as his horse always was dressed up in an old straw hat with holes cut in the brim for its ears. Many times we took the same trip with him as well."

The lighthouses have been sold and relocated onto private property, where, it would appear, they are not in particularly good condition. Additional information about them would be welcome.

Douse Point Front (left) and Rear Range Lights
photos copyright Kelly Anne Loughery; used by permission

Brush Wharf Rear Light, February 2007
photo copyright Dave Hunter; used by permission

The Douse Point Range Lights were used in conjunction with the nearby Brush Wharf Range Lights. Dave Hunter has provided the photo at left, which shows the rear light. The light was shown through a window on the opposite side of the tower; another window can be seen on the left side.

This little lighthouse was built in 1879 at the end of the wharf, which was only a short distance downhill from the Douse Point Rear Light. It was deactivated in 1947 when the front light was destroyed by fire. According to Hunter, the lighthouse can be seen off the Orwell Cove Road not far from the intersection of Brush Wharf Road, about 3 km (2 mi) from the original location. Although the light had been maintained well for many years, it appears abandoned and endangered now.

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Posted January 30, 2007. Checked and revised March 16, 2024. Site copyright 2024 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.