Windward Point Light, Guantánamo Bay, Cuba

The United States administers the southern portion of Guantánamo Bay under the terms of the 1903 Cuban-American Treaty, which provided for a perpetual lease of the property to the U.S. for the purpose of maintaining a naval station. The current government of Cuba regards the treaty as invalid because the new nation was in no position to negotiate with the U.S. on equal terms in 1903. However, no change in the U.S. ownership is likely without considerable change in the relationship between the two countries.

* Windward Point (Punta Barlovento) (1)
1904 (U.S.). Inactive officially since 1955 but recent Instagram photos show an unofficial white light. 18 m (60 ft) round cylindrical steel tower with six buttresses, lantern and gallery. Lighthouse painted white, except the lantern roof is gray. This lighthouse, built and maintained by the U.S., is located on the U.S. Naval Base at Guantánamo. The original 1-story wood keeper's quarters houses the historical collection for the naval base. Kraig Anderson has a page for the lighthouse, Josh Tedeschi has a 2019 photo showing the lighthouse freshly repainted, Michael Ortiz has a photo, the U.S. Coast Guard has a 1919 photo, Lighthouse Digest has a March 2006 feature article on the lighthouse, Huelse has a historic postcard view, Forand has a postcard photo of the station, and a Google satellite view is available. A temporary light may have been displayed here in 1899. The active beacon was moved in 1955 to a skeletal tower atop the hill behind the point (focal plane 103 m (377 ft); white flash every 5 s). Google has a satellite view of the new light. In January 2010 it was reported that the lighthouse was seriously deteriorated and might have to be demolished. Based on this report, the lighthouse was placed on the Lighthouse Digest Doomsday List. In 2015, with the lighthouse in advanced decay, engineers were hired to report on how it might be saved. Based on this report a full restoration of the lighthouse and keeper's house was carried out in 2016-17. Olivia Hooe has a 2017 photo showing the results. The house is now a historical center and permission has been requested to reopen the light tower to visitors. Located at the eastern entrance to Guantánamo Bay. Site open, keeper's quarters open Saturdays and Sunday, tower status unknown. Owner: U.S. Naval Station Guantánamo Bay. Site manager: Chief Petty Officers Association Heritage Committee (Guantanamo Bay Lighthouse and Historical Center ).  ARLHS GTM-001; USCG 3-33370; Admiralty J5024; NGA 13020.

Windward Point Light, Guantánamo Bay, 2003
photo copyright IT2 Paul W. Nelson, U.S. Navy Reserve; used by permission

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Updated June 20, 2003. Checked and revised November 30, 2023. Site copyright 2023 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.