Ediz Hook Light Station

Thanks to Elinor DeWire for this historic photo of the Ediz Hook Light Station, located on the Strait of Juan de Fuca at Port Angeles, Washington. Taken sometime around 1909, the photo comes from the collection of the Coast Guard Museum Northwest in Seattle. It shows the 1865 "schoolhouse" style lighthouse in the center, the 1885 fog bell tower just to the left, and the 1908 lighthouse at the right. A windmill stands on the left, in front of the keeper's quarters. Although some published sources say the lantern of the 1865 lighthouse was transferred to the 1908 tower, this photo shows both towers with lanterns.

The site is now part of the Coast Guard Air Station Port Angeles, and the lighthouses were replaced in 1946 by a skeletal tower mounted on the roof of one of the air station's hangers. The 1908 lighthouse, without its light tower, has been relocated into the town of Port Angeles and is in use as a private residence.


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May 24, 2003. Site copyright 2003 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.