Manakara Range Lights, Madagascar

Thanks to A. Hovestadt for these photos of several lighthouses at Manakara on the southeastern coast of Madagascar. The approach to Manakara is from the north, and vessels must avoid a number of shoals to enter the harbor. There are three sets of range lights to assist them. The Emokala Range is the outer, or approach range and the Manakara Range is the second, or middle range.

Emokala Front Lighthouse
Emokala Front Light
Emokala Rear Lighthouse
Emokala Rear Light
Manakara Rear Lighthouse
Manakara Middle Rear Light

All photos copyright 2007 A. Hovestadt; used by permission.

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Posted October 9, 2007. Checked and revised January 8, 2024. Site copyright 2024 Russ Rowlett and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.