[compost_tea] Re; Why activate the compost?

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 10:14:53 -0800

The reason you want to activate the compost/humus is to first see if there =
are adequate fungi in the soil and second to get them growing. If you can't=
 get the fungi to grow with oatmeal, you probably are not going to get grea=
t fungal numbers. The fungi don't multiply in the tea, they simply grow. Ac=
tivating your compost/humus will start that process so they can continue to=
 grow in the tea. The results appear to be more total fungi and more activ=
e fungi according to my tests ( and I hope those of others) so far.

The method described this morning is great: use a flat container like a see=
d tray. I suggest you keep it in the dark and keep it warm and keep it cove=



Received on Mon Apr 28 2003 - 14:52:13 EDT

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