Re: [compost_tea] Re: dechlor and water

From: Steve Bridges <>
Date: Sat, 31 May 2003 00:41:28 -0500

Locally, the city Round Rock, Texas went from chlorine to chloramine just 2=
-3 months ago. This was posted on their website at as follows;


Round Rock water conversion
On Monday, March 3, the City will convert its water disinfection process fr=
om chlorine to chloramine. Chloramine is a combination of chlorine and ammo=
nia and is a widely used alternative to free chlorine. During the change pr=
ocess, please note the following:
n The water is safe to drink.
n Customers may notice a change in the taste and odor of the water. This is=
 normal and should diminish after the system is fully converted.
n Dialysis patients and aquarium owners will need to change their filter pr=


How to remove chloramine according to the Water Quality Association at http=
:// So what is shell-based activation? an=
d how long for the zeolite absorption?
Chloramines can be removed from water with very low flow rates (5 to 10 min=
utes contact time) through shell-base activated carbon, followed by mineral=
 zeolite media for residual ammonia adsorption.

----- the American Water Works Association, an alternative gr=
oup, though hard to pinpoint valuable information, and you have to have a p=
assword to get the guts of the info. But they're there.


Tampa/Miami/Dade info on Chloramines
The Los Angeles site


Rainwater is looking better all the time!
Steve Bridges
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Robert Norsen
  Sent: Friday, May 30, 2003 6:14 PM
  Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: dechlor and water

  cloramines - never heard of em - Is this a better poison theyve found t=
o add to ouw water? Promoted by bottled water peddlers? At the cost of b=
ottled water we could afford O3, or colloidal Ag.

  Tom Jaszewski <> wrote:


    Will a carbon filter remove chloramines?
    Yes. To be effective, however, it must contain high quality granular ac=
tivated carbon and you must permit sufficient contact time between the wate=
r and the carbon.

    Will letting water sit for a few days cause chloramines to disappear?
    No. Unlike chlorine, which dissipates when water sits for a few days, c=
hloramines may take weeks to disappear.



    Tom Jaszewski



    -----Original Message-----
    From: George and Paulette Mouchet [mailto:geomouchet_at_QNET.COM]
    Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 7:32 PM
    To: ''
    Subject: RE: [compost_tea] Re: dechlor and water


    Okay, Tom. So how do we remove chloramines?



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Received on Sat May 31 2003 - 03:35:25 EDT

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