Re: [compost_tea] Re: Peach Leaf Curl

From: <>
Date: Mon, 16 Jun 2003 06:57:48 -0400

Don't spray just once with CT and expect the orgnaisms to get established. Coming from conventional methods, it just isn't possible.

So, standard applications are, get a spray on in the fall, before the leaves drop, so you get healthy organisms going on the leaves and get decomposition going well.

Apply a soil drench in the fall, so once again, you get the leaves decomposing, instead of serving as the place the pathogens overwinter.

Soil drench again in the spring.

Two weeks BEFORE budbreak, apply CT as foliar.
Apply CT minimum once month, more like every 10 to 14 days, depending on disease severity.

OK? CT is not a pesticide, and should not be discussed as being like a chemical control method. Spray once? Not going to adequate to get the critters established and growing well.

If you don't have good beneficial insects to "taxi-cab" the CT organisms to the new leaves, then you have to do the taxi-cab job yourself. If someone is missing in the food web, then you have to do that missing critters' job. And doing someone els'es job for them will be expensive, and most likely will result in more compaction of your soil

Elaine Ingham
President, Soil Foodweb Inc.
SFI Corvallis, OR
SFI Port Jefferson, NY
SFI Lismore, NSW, Australia
SFI Hilversum, The Netherlands
SFI Cambridge, New Zealand

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Received on Mon Jun 16 2003 - 13:59:05 EDT

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