Re: [compost_tea] Re AABCT

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 13 Jul 2003 09:40:53 -0700 (PDT)

Mike Benton, GLAD to see you come out of the lurkers closet.
ABCT was a whim, Air Blown Compost TEA. trying to lighten up AACT Active Aerobic Compost TEA . Sombody this AM said ACT. Just ACT and that seems better. than some of the more complex aphabet soup jingos.
Areobic Compost TEA does it rather well I think. ACT ? ABCT, AACT I could live with anything but the FDA . Just ACT, Bob Sounds like you are making it hapen, Mike. That's what the EARTH needs

Mike Benton <> wrote:
Hi all. Is it not funny how first you can not get someone to say anything
,then they come out of the lurkers closet and now all they do is shout their
keyboard off:)
Kirk AABCT in my terms is Any Actually Beneficial CT,just kidding I think
Bob meant Activated Aerated Brewed CT[ BOB?]
This alphabet soup of terms makes me think that I am eating one of those
kiddies tomato soups with all the letters in...The brewer ,unit ,machine,
fermenter, bio-reactor that produces {here we go } compost tea,tea
lost the thread. Please lets keep it simple. We accept that compost ,and by
that we mean really good quality compost is needed to make CT then lets
settle on a nice simple name ,which we can all use .Of course the fall back
term will remain tea. When I see clients who have one of my brewers and I
say to them "How is the tea today ",they don't mistake this for a reference
to something in a fine china cup.
Since today is Sunday down here at the pointed end of Africa and coming ever
later to the parts east of us, Compost Technologies is proud to place it's
first international advert here. No dancing girls, no sincere looking
gentlemen in white coats in fields of rolling grain. No just the simple
statement that we produce Compost tea brewers in standard and custom sizes.
If you are considering a commercial sized tea application, then drop us a
line. We would love to hear from you and since our currency is not worth a
damn our export deals look really good. We have housed trillions of happy
habitants over the last two years and not one has ever complained. Our tea
contains Heaps of Goodness.
Mike Benton
Compost Technologies <> mobile 0823345371

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Received on Sun Jul 13 2003 - 14:28:38 EDT

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