[compost_tea] Sunday greetings from Bob - Bob's Brewers

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 26 Jul 2003 23:30:09 -0700 (PDT)

Thanks to ICTC conference and this List Bob's Brewers are now several in each of 9 states, will soon be in several more and Costa Rica I extend my thanks to all involved, both groups. And to Paul Sachs who has proven so well that the BobOLator produces outstanding active and total fungi along with amazingly high active and total bacteria. We though we couldn't have both in the same brew.! Rated double EXCELLENT from SFI ny.
Paul is now starting a series ot tests on the Bitti. His reports on www.norganics.com
Equally happy news is coming from Judi Stewart, Northwest Tree Fruit Group, Port Townsend, WA. Judi reports that her group has been using ACT from a 250 g BobOLater system most of the summer. Members have performed individual tests. With limited supply of just one 250 gallon system for nearly 80 members, members have used the ACT on some test plants / trees. They report marked differences in size, appearance and flavor. Imagination? Placebo? Well they didn't let obserers know which were the test trees. Judi says it is evident!!. You told us it would happen Elain !!!
Not just ACT. The club also "meets" while picking up the ACT, has an informal party / breakfast / club meeting with great enthusiasm. Who could want anything more?
So thanks again to the ICTC, the List folks ( including Jeff!), Judi and each club member and Elain. .

Received on Sun Jul 27 2003 - 11:52:19 EDT

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