Re: [compost_tea] Weeds

From: Shane Gishford <>
Date: Mon, 4 Aug 2003 07:46:04 +1000 (EST)

chris reid <> wrote:
I would like to start with Thornapples. They love nitrate nitorgen so try to
reduce to below 8 PPM in the soil. I believe they also thrive on low
available Ca (can have a good amount of Ca that is not available) and
compacted soil.
Sand burr which is a grass. - Thrives in very sandy soil with low Ca. Add
calcium and it stops growing.

Okay, Shane, you're on!

I'll offer to create a table in Microsoft Word and post it on the website
for this group. What info is relevant? For example, I'd like to see both
the common name and Latin name of the weed, as there is some overlap around here as to weed common names and it would help us know we're talking about
the same plants. This would be essential

Then, maybe note the country and province or state, This could be cumbersome and the conditions under
which the infestation was occurring. The conditions as you have outlined is the important part of understanding why you have certain weeds. What do you find to be most relevant?
Examples: sandy soil, dry or damp, high or low levels of nutrients or soil
biology, particular cultural practices such as heavy use of a particular
pesticide or irrigation water high in a particular mineral, etc.

Then maybe the type of application used (molasses, bacterial or fungal tea,
etc), rate, and timing or frequency. You need to also address the soil chemistry at the same time. As one of my clients calls it putting a band aid on untill the soil biology can take over.

Then maybe notes on results.

Then maybe a column noting what other levels or approaches were not
successful on this problem.Good Idea so people don't waste time on some thing that doesn't work.

If any tests were done or there is any quantification that help to document
changes, that would be good to include, too.I find weeds very hard to quantify personally when the shift is small but if there is data out there thats what we need.

Is that too detailed? No but I would suggest to make the headings of the coloums as broard based as possible to cut down on the number of coloums. Have I left out important areas to note? No as it can be added to if needed. As people
report more info, I can add to table to it is easy to refer to what people
have reported all in one place.

Even if somebody has not yet fully confirmed their weed reduction strategy,
a report that it is underway and when they hope to be able to see results
would be good to know about and we will note it as pending confirmation. Yes good Idea It
just helps people to be able to compare notes and not have to reinvent the

Chris Reid

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Received on Sun Aug 03 2003 - 22:55:35 EDT

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