[compost_tea] Consideration, please, a reminder

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Wed, 6 Aug 2003 16:11:24 -0800


A message from the listserve police:

1.This is not a chat line. Respond directly to each other rather than the e=
ntire list when you have questions you want to ask, but that others probabl=
y don't care about. . We really need to stick to Compost tea. Some folks, =
Dr. Elaine included, are on lots of lists and get lots of mail. I would ha=
te to have her leave this list, for example, because there is so much that =
is not directly related to compost tea. Notice there is no 'Please" precedi=
ng this directive.....

2. Please reread the above.

Received on Wed Aug 06 2003 - 22:37:02 EDT

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