RE: [compost_tea] Re: Virus Warning

From: Mike Bosko <>
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 10:39:34 -0700

>What's up with thus guy? How long has he been a
>member? Does anyone know him? The email addy he
>gives is definately "bogus".

Ok Ok.

Sorry Jeff, I know its not AACT related –but I feel compelled to say
something on this one.

Viruses happen to the best of us – a viruses job is to get sent to, and
received by, the unaware – don’t blame him unless he’s been proven guilty of
malicious behavior.

And changing one’s reply-to address when subscribed to email lists is a
common thing – and a smart thing – to give him some credit. A lot of the
spam coming into your inbox is there because of subscriptions to email
lists. Your email address is available to anyone wanting to harvest it –
some lists block this, others don’t – but hackers are very good at their

Just because someone has a bogus return address, and because a virus was
attached to his message does NOT imply that he’s a bad guy, or placed it
there by intent. Reading some of his past posts – I doubt he’s of the
malicious type.

Its easy. If you don’t have virus detection software GET IT and keep it up
to date. If you receive attachments of unknown origin, or unknown types DON
’T OPEN THEM – Just delete the message and its attachment. Its part of
being on the Internet, and will be for its life (only to get worse) -- get
used to it. Just prepare yourself.

Please don’t start labeling people if viruses are attached to their
messages – it WILL happen to you too, its only a matter of when. It’s the
internet way. Your systems are only protected as much as your detection
software is, kinda –McAfee, Trend and Symantec can only stay on top of a
percentage of the millions of new viruses released every day too. Some WILL
get through.

As the great Dr E would end with:

Ok? (grin)

Good luck,

Ain’t AACT great stuff?

JMT systems consulting
Software Development / Network Administration --
Ofc: 509 968-9015 / Fax: 509 968-9016

Received on Mon Aug 11 2003 - 15:54:57 EDT

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