[compost_tea] Tilling

From: Halstead <halstead_at_mail.telepac.pt>
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 07:13:59 +0100

Yes, plowing has been around forever, but the idea of pulverizing the soils=
 so roots can eat them.....Tull. And the idea that American gardeners shou=
ld do the same:
NO One that I know would ever consider 'pulverising' a form of cultivation.=
We are talking about two different situations. You about the gardener and s=
mall areas and I and others of the thousands of acres that could benefit fr=
om ACT on a large scale and have the greatest impact in saving world soils.
Unfortunately large scale cropping involves large machines these day.100 hp=
 -400 hp tractors, combines weighing 12-20 tons, grain trailers in excess=
 of 30 tons,though better tyres spread the load there is still a problem of=
 compaction, (even the foliar application of ACT will have to be done follo=
wing the same 'tram' line as the fist application unless on the relative sm=
all acreage of centre point irrigation, or applied by air which I presume w=
ould be too expensive. ) that can better be resolved by min. till plus ACT=
, than by the sole application of ACT. I would be pleased to be proven wron=
g on this.
<Perhaps this no tilling thing has been Stouted out...:)>
I sincerly hope not.

Bill H.

Received on Wed Aug 13 2003 - 10:31:49 EDT

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