[compost_tea] Re: keep on keeping on

From: chuck whelan <chazfw_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, 21 Aug 2003 21:59:54 -0700 (PDT)

i recently wrote Dr. E { AN INCREDIBLE RESOURCE--although i don't personally know her- i assume that the same probably holds true for her as a HUMAN BEING } and described myself as a ' lurker '-- that said-- i applaud your efforts to keep this group in some sort of focus { there seems to be a few shameless souls on board } -- i sense that " we "{ talk about shameless- i just included myself- i think ? } need to be constantly reminded-- thanks- & keep on ------------

Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com> wrote:
Don't want to start a flame, but AACT is not an 'icide.' Don't get us in trouble with the EPA by suggesting it is......It works because it helps add the beneficials needed to create and maintain healthy foodwebs with all the benefits that come with that state of nature...
APHIDS: IMHO Compost tea means healthier plants that are not under stress. Plants under stress have higher incidents of aphids.
As for direct application and results on aphids, if you have a severe enough spray, it will knock them off the plants, but after a year, I still have them in my greenhouse, though now they seem to predominately hit the Orchids when in bloom. What self respecting Alaskan aphid wouldn't......
TENT CATERPILLARS starved.....that is not being killed directly by AACT, right? Starving tent caterpillars means they wouldn't eat the leaves probably because there was something on them they didn't like or that they eat once and it shuts down their digestive system as in the action of bT. And maybe there was some bT strain or similar acting in the tea mix.
SLUGS? Got me there. Perhaps the healthy foodweb at the sprayed plants includes plenty of opelias and slug eating microarthropods as well as slug killing nematodes.
In any case, AACT isn't an 'icide' any more than mother nature, so be careful or we will have to register with the EPA because of the wrong claims on behalf of AACT.
Jeff L

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Received on Fri Aug 22 2003 - 03:23:44 EDT

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