Re: [compost_tea] Tea Machine Challenge?

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Thu, 28 Aug 2003 08:09:08 -0700 (PDT)

Brew Off sounds like a great idea. If one has 8 variables combintions give us the computer. Combinations are near infinite. In the Bio surrounding plants, soil. compost and ACT there are estimated 34,000 varieties of bacteria xx varieties of fugi y varieties of soil, climate, We are going to get finite results with that many vaieables?
When a kid on our farm we had the same varieties but called it manure and a machine spread it. We didn't know in detailed science what we were doing but it worked

Is that the way to go with ACT? I don't have a budget to do enogh testing to get "final" answers. SFI doesn't have the staff if I had the budget. Maybe the plants decide what works for them.
A few comarative tests of bewers would be interesting. I will happily support my part of that series. Bob.
Jeff Lowenfels <> wrote:
The test sounds great. But it also sounds like something the ICTC might want to organize rather than this listserve!

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Received on Thu Aug 28 2003 - 13:25:56 EDT

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