RE: [compost_tea] Fruit Club Update

From: Judi Stewart <>
Date: Mon, 8 Sep 2003 07:19:20 -0700

To 250 gallons well water at 78 degrees F. we added…
To the chamber:
15 pounds vermicompost
5 pounds compost
forest duff
mushy green gage plums (with pits)
fistful of hay
In the tank:
10 ounces organic molasses
10 ounces fish hydrolysate
2 ½ cups humic acid
1 ¼ cups powdered seaweed
2 cups Azomite
1 cup oyster shell flour
1 cup granite dust
Topping off the compost tea container:
1 teaspoon yucca per gallon if applied straight.
Depending on many variables, the most important of
which being my time, we’ve been using compost tea about every
2 to 4 weeks. The same members do not necessarily
use compost tea each time. This is the first time using this
recipe. The mix has changed each time we’ve made compost tea.
We usually use 25 pounds of compost and vermicompost but they
felt drier than before so we used 5 pounds less.
A batch of compost was initially inoculated with oat flour for this
brew but was scratched at the last minute because I didn’t like its
It was sitting on the seedling mat, was warm, and smelled “off” but
lost its offensive odor when it cooled. Decided not to take
a chance when doing this for others. Decided to save it and try
it myself in the Bitti.
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, September 08, 2003 4:03 AM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Fruit Club Update
Hi Judi,
    Great updates. Could you give us the exact recipe you're using and
how often are the members applying CT? Your posts are a testament to
CT's viability in organic agriculture. Thanks

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Received on Mon Sep 08 2003 - 15:11:29 EDT

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