[compost_tea] Sunday AD

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2003 10:35:51 -0700 (PDT)

I was pleased to get a tea report from Paul Sachs. Using the Bob's Bitti Paul rang up FOUR CHERRIES - a JACK POT AB 142, TB 4032 AF 17 TF 30.9 HD 2.5
All visible on Pauls www.norganics.com look under Compost TEA, conditions and reports. TEST # 2016 But a series of tests show the ability of the Bitti and BobO to get good reports every time. I suspect the Nutrients Paul uses, the temperature control and the care he gives the brewing process has a lot to do with his results. I'm happy that he does it to prove the Bob's line of brewers too. Bob

Received on Sun Sep 21 2003 - 14:32:45 EDT

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