[compost_tea] NC workshop on compost and compost tea

From: Judi Stewart <js_at_olympus.net>
Date: Fri, 3 Oct 2003 07:08:17 -0700

Wow! Would you please take a look at this workshop announcement. The
cost is $20 and includes lunch and a comprehensive notebook!!! The
workshop runs from 9 am to 4 pm. This info is from Sanet.
                   Enhancing Sustainability Workshop:
        Compost Teas, Compost, and On-farm Beneficial Microbe Extracts
                            October 20, 2003
                              Pittsboro, NC
The Chatham County Center of North Carolina Cooperative Extension will
present a crop production workshop as part of its Enhancing
Sustainability Workshop Series on Monday, October 20, from 9:00 a.m. to
4:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Agricultural Building in Pittsboro,
North Carolina. "Compost Teas, Compost, and On-farm Beneficial Microbe
Extracts" will be presented by Steve Diver, a Program Specialist from
ATTRA (Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas), the USDA-funded
national sustainable agriculture information service of the National
Center for Appropriate Technology (NCAT) based in Arkansas; Dr. Frank
Louws, North Carolina State University Researcher and Extension Plant
Pathologist specializing in sustainable disease management for NC
growers; and Debbie Roos, Agricultural Extension Agent with North
Carolina Cooperative Extension in Chatham County. The program is
outlined below.
Compost Teas
   * History of Compost Teas
   * Types of Compost Teas and Extracts
   * Components of Compost Teas
   * Use and Benefits of Compost Teas
   * Rhizosphere and Phyllosphere Target Sites
   * Rhizosphere Benefits for Microorganisms
   * Soil Foodweb Concepts
   * Compost Teas for Disease Suppression
   * Mechanisms and Target Pathogens
   * Compost Tea Production Methods
   * Brewing Compost Teas
   * Compost Tea Recipes
   * Compost Tea Brewing Equipment: Commercial-scale and Home-made
   * Minimum Standards for Compost
   * Pathogen Risk Reduction
   * Compost Tea Use in North Carolina - What Are Farmers Doing?
Compost, Humus, and the Living Soil
   * Soil Foodweb Concepts
   * Compost Methods
   * Farm-scale Compost Turners
   * Compost Quality and Standards
   * Humified Compost
   * Mineralization Rate
   * Using Compost as an Inoculant to Improve Crop Vigor - NC Research
Parallel On-farm Extracts and Beneficial Microbe Inoculation Systems
   * Effective Microorganisms
   * Indigenous Microorganisms
   * Biodynamic Preparations
   * Cow Patty Pit
   * Fermented Plant Extracts
   * Purchased Inputs and On-farm Inputs
   * Alternative Farming Systems Tools: Nature Farming, Biodynamics,
   * Substrate and Microbial Culture
   * Benefits of Plant and Compost Extracts
The cost of the workshop will be $20 and includes lunch and a
comprehensive resource notebook. Pre-registration is required by October
10. Contact Debbie Roos at 919-542-8202 for more information. To
register, download a registration form from the Workshop section of the
Growing Small Farms website at
http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/chatham/ag/SustAg/index.html and mail it with
your check to Debbie Roos, PO Box 279, Pittsboro, NC 27312. Hotel
information is available upon request.
Debbie Roos
Agricultural Extension Agent, Organic and Sustainable Agriculture North
Carolina State University College of Agriculture and Life Sciences North
Carolina Cooperative Extension, Chatham County Center Growing Small
Farms Website: <http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/chatham/ag/SustAg/index.html>
Post Office Box 279 Pittsboro, NC 27312
E-mail: debbie_roos_at_ncsu.edu
Phone: 919.542.8202 FAX: 919.542.8246

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