[compost_tea] mycorrhizal fungi on-farm production

From: alex de mello <xela_at_netgate.com.uy>
Date: Wed, 8 Oct 2003 17:44:34 -0300

hi all,

haven't been able to check the threads this last week, so probably somebody=
 may have posted this link before:


if you still haven't checked it out, you won't regret to do it know.

this article doesn't mention AACT as a means for reproducing and inoculatin=
g MF; can anyone inform me if it can be done? and how? will drenching suffi=
ce, or should we insert the sprayer nozzle down to rhizosphere?

it'd be great for every one of us to be able to reproduce, as suggested in =
this article, our own native MF... any ideas as to how to extract them from=
 existing plants and inoculate them to, for example, the bahiagrass mention=
ed as host for its reproduction? unfortunately there is no email addy for d=
r. douds, who's the expert on the subject.


alex de mello

Received on Thu Oct 09 2003 - 21:34:48 EDT

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