Re: [compost_tea] Fruit Club Update

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 13:11:44 -0800 (PST)

Judi Bob

Judi Stewart <> wrote:
I put out the fresh banana bread and hot coffee on the table at the tea house.

This is the last time we’ll be making compost tea as a group this

year. We’ve now grown to over 100 family memberships and more than

1/3 of us use compost tea. This time, we’re making 500 gallons in two

batches and every drop has someone’s name on it.


One member, Jim, came over Friday to help me set up the brewer. He

wanted to see how we make compost tea and the ingredients used because

he’s going to make his own 50 gallon brewer.


Jim said he and his wife moved into their house 15 years ago. Among the trees

on the property, there was this particular pear tree. Every year it produces

pears, scabby pears. He also said that the leaves curl. The pears were

about 4 inches long. This year he put compost tea on that tree. He had no

scab, no leaf curl, pear size increased 50%, and the canopy was

loaded with fruit. He doesn’t know if he should credit the dry summer or the

compost tea. But in 15 years, he thinks there must have been other dry

summers, so he’s leaning towards the tea.


I’m used to skeptics in the group. A group this size can’t be

without them. But I don’t have to say a word any longer. I just smile.

Now that the season is over, there are so many members sharing their

“success stories.” I’m just thinking (worrying) of what I have to do early next

spring before the apricots bud out.



BobOLator 250 gal.



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Received on Sun Oct 26 2003 - 16:39:00 EST

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