RE: [compost_tea] Fruit Club Update

From: Robert Norsen <>
Date: Sun, 26 Oct 2003 14:30:26 -0800 (PST)

Of course you know to send only 1 cup in a quart bottle to leave air for the little bugs. B

Judi Stewart <> wrote:

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Yes Jeff, we used 15 pounds of Alaska Humus in the

250 gallon brewer. We’ll be sending a quart of the last batch

of Alaska Humus compost tea to SFI for testing; finally!


Thanks again,







----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Lowenfels []
Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2003 1:32 PM
Subject: Re: [compost_tea] Fruit Club Update


And since it is Sunday, I believe you said the tea from the club is made with Alaska Humus!


Seriously, Judi, you have enough folks so you could really do some serious research and testing. May be Doc E or someone can set up a protocol to test.....







check them both out!

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