[compost_tea] fungi in tea

From: Jeff Lowenfels <jeff_at_gardener.com>
Date: Fri, 7 Nov 2003 14:40:23 -0900

<<<<Lets say we start with 2034 separate fungal organisms extracted into th=
e tea
from the compost.
If we provide some "growing conditions" for them ( food, a place to live),
then we end up say 24 hours later with 2034 bigger organisms?
( if so, what is the benefit of bigger fungi vs. smaller ones?)

What of the fungal spores in the compost? Again, providing growing
conditions, could they typically hatch out and add to the number of fungal
organisms in the tea?
( if so, this must be a major benefit!)>>>

Lynton, that is my understanding....you get bigger fungi....remember how fu=
ngi work in the soil foodweb.
So that is why it is important to have compost or humus that has great fung=
al numbers.

The spores don't germinate in a 24 hour period. They will germinate in the =
soil when the tea is applied if the conditions are correct.



Received on Sat Nov 08 2003 - 01:14:11 EST

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