[compost_tea] Re: Fw: Marine Corps Birthday!!

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2003 11:16:46 -0800 (PST)

Thanks, Ray for the tip. There are many more Vets, Marines and Army and Air Force and Navy and Coast Guard among this Compost TEA group. Let's recognize each and all. But in a greater way those of us in the Compost Tea group are the fortunate who have found great life after the service. If you know a family who has a member in today's service, wish them happy news. If you know of service men disabled, support them in some way. Write congress to eliminate the rules that require those disabled to pay for their own hopitalization from what would be their retirement income. Say a kind word to the many who lost family in this and prior service. Veterans day! Birthday of the Marines! Think Peace! Peace is the objective of every military action!
If we invested as much effort in fomenting peace as we do war, could we achieve peace ?
Organic, soil conservation, ecologicaly sound agriculture, teaming with nature, bringing it to the world, learning from the world, helping each other, is this peace in action ? Bob .

Ray N/A <xrg2_at_hotmail.com> wrote:
This is why when you ask a Marine if he was a Marine why we have a problem
with being called former Marines. Marine B-Day Nov 10. We were taught we are
Marines till the day we die and all Marines are our brothers. Im sending
this to some of my friends and asking that we remember some of my fallen
friends and certainly that its Veterans day today that we remember those who
are buried in foreign lands and here in America that are still with us or
passed. Not to mention my own sons birthday today (future Marine?). Also, I
would like to thank Bob Norsen a WW2 vet! I would tip a toast, but I know I
had too many in Corvallis this weekend.
Ray Gore (xrg2) Certified Soilfoodweb Advisor Neal Kinsey Trained Albrecht
Methods Soil Mineral Balancing Biological Farming Consultant Magic Valley
Compost www.magicvalleycompost.com www.soilfoodweb.com Organic Gem
Distributor Superhumus Compost/Microbe Tea Soil Testing/Mineral/Biological
"From my tribe I take nothing. I have made myself what I am." Tecumseh,
Shawnee Chief

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2003 9:09 PM
Subject: Marine Corps Birthday!!

> On behlaf of all the Marines at MarinesDirect I would like to wish you a
Happy Birthday Marine!!
> Here's to another 228 glorious years for our beloved Corps.
> Semper Fidelis,
> Cpl. Moore
> USMC 84-88
> USMCR 88-90

Received on Tue Nov 11 2003 - 20:33:50 EST

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