Re: [compost_tea] Herb and Weed Tea Query

From: Ted Peterson <>
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 09:18:37 -0800

What was the "smell" they were looking for? If it smells like a cow's stom=
ach(s), it is useless.

The medical properties of herbs has been weel documented. Check out Jethro=
 Kloss' "Back to Eden" for a list of how these herbal teas have been used t=

So let's say that sage shows a high resistance to certain types of insects.=
  A tea made up of sage might transfer the active repellant to other plants=
. I don't know what the longevity of this would be. Tobacco has been used=
 for centuries as an insecticide and it is in tea form when applied.

As far as O2, functional aerobes do not break down plant matter quite like =
functional anaerobes so the addition of O2 might mitigate the smell somewha=
t but I don't see where it would aid the bacteria that cause plant cellular=
 breakdown. The bacteria that break down plant material like high temperat=
ures. I guess if you heated the air, it may help but you would need to tes=
t it to make sure. I would think that the anaerobic conditions they are cr=
eating in the "tea" would do more to break down the plant material and addi=
ng O2 may actually inhibit the breakdown.

Ted Peterson
Earth-Wise/Spirit of the Earth
  ----- Original Message -----
  From: Scott Alexander
  Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2003 2:49 AM
  Subject: [compost_tea] Herb and Weed Tea Query

  Last Sunday a large group from an Organic Growers organisation visited my
  farm to hear my talk and see a demo. about compost tea. I was a bit
  surprised that none of them had heard about CT but many made teas from
  certain weeds and herbs. It was explained to me that these were put into =
  large drum of water, stirred a few times a week, and left for several
  months to break down. When the mixture developed an acceptable smell, it
  was diluted and applied to the foliage and soil.
  I was asked - If the mixture was aerated, would the weeds and herbs break
  down more rapidly and be available to use in a much shorter time?
  Has anyone in this CT group had any experience with teas of this type?

  Scott Alexander

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