[compost_tea] Extra aeration on Bob' series

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 22:29:12 -0800 (PST)

Group; This is in response to requests for new information regarding the Bob's series of brewers. If this information reads to you like advertizing please don't open till Sunday.
When the original Bitti and BobO were released, the recipes were held sparse to assure enough D O2 to keep the system aerobic. It works but the test scores are limited. In a race to get higher microbe numbers, especially Fungi, more compost and more nutrients were crammed into the brewers. They couldn't provide enough D O2 for the growing herd. We discovered a layer of heavy stuff at the bottom of the tank that was teeming with life. Desireable bugs were there but were sitting in a bath of low D O2.
An answer was found in two ways. Removing the extraction chamber at 4 to 8 hours into the cycle helped. Lower temps slowed the action. That helped. Ignoring the D O2 levels worked some times but ignored the science that said AEROBIC all the way is safe.
Another answer was to increase the air and put it deep in the tank so that it circulated that bottom layer. A second aerator much like the first with an added air pump and injector system to get the air all the way down proved very effective.
The Bitti takes another Bitti aeration system.
The BobO takes another BobO aeration system. Systems are weighted to take tham down all the way. The vertical pvc is duplicated to let the operator keep track of where the air is released and to make possible sweeping the bottom of the tank with air to get all the particulates that fungi need to grow on, up in the water, moving around.
 SFI report 97815 that achieved b 85, tb 11,008, af 19.7, tf 102 hd 3.5
used this double aeration and was still stretched beyond safe limits. The brew hovered around 4.5 for too long to make me happy. So the recipe will be adjusted a bit lighter. Maybe staying clearly above 5.5 D O2 will result in even better test scores.
(( It is posible that the DO2 meter was reading low ))
I will try to publish a price schedule for these added features.and recipes for each condition next Sunday For those who have purchased a Bob's Bitti or BobO and want to add this feature I will send with no charges for shipping and handling.
New recipes will include options suited to the original aeration and also stronger recipes with more 'stuff' in them suited to the added aeration. The bigger Ag systems draw information from this experience and will have built in excess aeration to handle rich 'loads' of compost and nutrients.
I can remember when autos were developing rather fast. Each year they got better, not just more ugly. When they went to four wheel brakes after 22 years of making and selling cars, now THAT was an improvement. Then 40 years later they came up with front wheel drive - and - And another 30 years, cup holders!!
The perfect brewer is still going to be developed. I hope to be the one that finds the last improvement. Bob - Is it Sunday yet?

Received on Thu Nov 20 2003 - 02:18:48 EST

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