Re:[compost_tea] Re: chemical based -> biological approach

From: kevin john richardon <>
Date: 22 Nov 2003 06:07:56 -0000


Your comments are fine, yet if in your haste you are at all refering to what I have written

allow me to direct your attention to the fact that I use the words biological approach and in no part of what I have wriitten do I mention AACT. Please take notice:

--- In, "kevin john richardon"
<kmagic_at_b...> wrote:
> seems significant that in the transition from chemically supported
growing practices to a biological approach,
> in which the chemical practices have been discontinued, the soil
food web analyzed and the twelve step program implemented (Bacteria,
Bacterial Foods, Fungi, Fungal Fooods, Myco F, Protazoa
<Flagellates, Amoebae, Ciliates>, Nematodes <Bacterial Feeding,
Fungal Feeding & Predatory>, Earthworms & Microarthropods) to bring
the system into appropriate balance
> that in cases not seeing remarkable improvements in growth
> the status quo is being maintained?
> the system is not getting worse from lack of chem inputs?
> seems that this alone points to the fact that the bio approach is
working, in its ability to sustain the system with only biological
inputs & microbial foods.

The intent of my words is to speak to in general. It would not be fair to suggest that this observation be the bases of absolute truth, nor is it practical for you to suggest that this type of observation not be suggested without following the sophisticated research you outline:

Kevin and all,

I think the responsible thing to do is not to speculate. Phil Ochs
wrote a song once and said, "if I listen long enough to you, I'll
find a way to believe that it's all true..." Selective ways of
seeing in order to believe what we want to believe is not science.

Please hear me out. I am not suggesting that nothing is happening
on such sites. I am saying that it is helpful to DEMONSTRATE that
on that particular site, where no AACT was used and previous land
management practices means were discontinued, the AACT portion
was/was not responding differently than the discontinued practices
area. And of course, it would be useful to control for the OTHER
practices (ferts, amendments, pest control, biostimulants, mulching,
breaking up compaction, etc.) that were being used, and make sure
that any differences there were noted, as well. To single out the
difference of AACT vs. non-AACT, the other practices should be
identical, and the site conditions as close as possible to the same.

When we put ourselves in a position to convince ourselves of
something by reaching at data and interpreting it in a way that
suits our explanation, we cease to see what is there and start to
see what we want to see to reach the conclusions we want to reach.
This is perhaps more obvious to us when we're critiquing some method
that seems to be more based on hocus pocus than science, and noting
the practitioners doing this.

And then we're not doing science, we're doing a belief system around
AACT. It will not move AACT ahead or our understanding of what's
happening ahead to do that.

My two cents,

Chris Reid

I do think that the research parameters you suggest are fantastic and that this science should and is being persued, maybe not all of it at this moment, all, in one place, yet we are getting there. I appreciate what you have to say, yet why must you say it in reference to a humble statement.

Design flawless experimental research, Chris; let us know how it works out. I will keep yall informed as to what we are figuring out as well. Much of it has data to support it, other conversation will be more speculative. Understand the difference, baby.


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                      Kevin John Richardson
                         Local Solutions
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