[compost_tea] Systemic bacteria..

From: Thomas Giannou <thomas_at_tandjenterprises.com>
Date: Sun, 23 Nov 2003 20:46:06 -0800


Have you ever conducted any studies to show that soil bacteria are systemic=
 with plants? By systemic, I mean that bacteria will enter the roots of pl=
ants and travel through the xylem vessels and travel around inside the plan=
t. I think it would be fairly easy to prove that bacteria do enter the roo=
ts and travel through the xylem vessels. Take a cutting from a plant and s=
queeze out some fluid from the end of the cutting and look at the fluid usi=
ng an appropriate microscope. We are looking for bacteria. Then take some p=
ics of the bacteria to be introduced as a form of control. Then introduce =
the bacteria into the root zone via probe holes around the drip line in a c=
ouple of concentric circles so as to maximize the contact with the feeder r=
oots. Wait a week and repeat the test with the fluid and if the bacteria s=
how up in that fluid... the point is made. If that held true, would that b=
e sufficient to say that particular bacteria was systemic via the xylem ves=

Next question: What kind of microscope would be sufficient to do this type=
 of work? Which supplier? At what cost? Would $800-$1000 be enough to pu=
rchase a suitable scope?

Best Regards,
Thomas Giannou

Received on Mon Nov 24 2003 - 01:30:00 EST

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