From: w.reece speas <>
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 23:18:34 -0800 (PST)

Reece here,i am not an aquaintence since i have never met you although i have tried to talk with you on the phone a couple of times , as a complete green horn with not a lot of back ground knowledge about any of this,other than to jump in an industry with blind faith solely because of word of mouth talk and 3 months of looking around and talking to people in this industry bruce elliot e.p.m. micheal alms ,growing solutions why i wasted my money on a growing solutions brewer it looks like to me he has the customer base to back his product as an outsider looking in i don,t know , i will have the numbers checked one of these days , i use both epm's and growing solutions compost and microbeial feed's ,although not together,I compared both brewer,s , I talked at length with customers from both of these suppliers,with outstanding results from both of their customers,and decided upon the growing solutions brewer simply because of cleaning time , maybe since i didnt get to talk with
 you ,
 you can enlighten me as to why i wasted my time and money ,since my wife says i have very little of either i dont have enough to watse , thank you for your help , sincerly w.reece speas , w.& w.lawn care ray gore <> wrote:if its one of the 500 gallon brewers, saw the air
system out of the bottom and cap the holes. Stick a
Norsen brewer in the top and use the tank. Or, you can
chase the numbers until you realize the old system
gets a buildup of biological slime that goes anaerobic
that you cant get to unless you remove the air system.
--- Scott Alexander <> wrote:
> We got great data in the first year of the tea grant
> - the comparison of all
> the different tea brewers, where we could show that
> the Soil Soup and
> Growing Solutions machines were really fermentative
> tea brewers, with only
> bacteria in the teas.
> (Unfortunately?) an aquaintance of mine was
> convinced by Michael Alms that
> the G S brewer was OK and bought one. Could someone
> please let me know
> privately how this brewer can be
> modified so that a
> well-balanced CT can be made.
> Thanks
> Scott

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Received on Thu Dec 04 2003 - 12:39:59 EST

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