RE: [compost_tea] Re: Make it Good news1, THANK YOU !!!

From: w.reece speas <>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 00:24:15 -0800 (PST)

Hi Bob, lol , I dont know for sure where your headed joking or not ,I guess i'm a little nieve, I still beleave in an honest days work for an honest days pay. I have been in here for a week now and i have heard a wide range of things,and attitudes, a friend of mine told me you need to check this stuff out ,your in the lawn business ,it made my yard look awesome, a year or so later i finally check it out , long story short , i decide this is the real stuff for me , i get all excited talk to a couple of people across the u.s. they tell me i cant go wrong ,this stuff makes your grass grow greener, longer, plants brighter , not as many chemicals needed great,use less water,save money great, so being the good upstanding hard working citizen that i'am i decide to get in on what i think is basicaly the ground floor , that i did'nt want to be standing on the side line's saying could of shoud of, 10 years from now .the area i live in is a hot bed with no one offering a service here so
  i pony
 up , jump in with both feet decide one way or another i am going to give this ago , I have seen it work , i dumped 2 1/2 gallons of tea on 2 plants so severly infected with fungus they should of been pulled up , they had a second treatment now their growing new sprouts and life is good. and i beleave, If i have my way my customers will to, Thats the key , not all real life customers care about the #'s, as long as it works, ,Elaine and some of you otheres is where it started,You really want to run a good business, Buy LES SCHWABS book and run your business like he did and still does,work hard,befair,be honest and BUILD the PEOPLE AROUND YOU AND YOU WILL BE SUCCESSFULL, I truely beleave this,I watched him do it for 13 years, there's no one made more millionares in the n.w. than him other than microsoft, I beleave someone ,a group of the right people in here, maybe, will make this product a big business , it doesn't matter in reality which one it is , someone will take a good t
 ea and
 it will become the standard by which everyone else will measure upto ,but they will be leading the pack ,( as far as the general public is concerned ), in here its a matter of who its going to be,You are right ,the stonger the team the stronger the individual, I have the desire to do the work I need more knowledge , I beleve i have the right compost , i just need to know what to add to it to lead it in differant directions for differant you want to be the knowledge 1/2 of this team, lol hope i didn't bore you to death , I am more interested in taking it to the fields,gardens and orchards part of this equation, about making a good living for my family, Your lol probably sorry u asked me any thing I'am a little long wided somtimes , anyway thanks, here's looking forward to the future , reece

Robert Norsen <> wrote:I thought there would be many comments. Yours is the only one so far, Reese. Want to tell me more about what you are doing, your goals. This ACT business world wide needs many strong businesses, teaming, to move it from start up to going. Testing and teaching is an essential part of ACT starting up. Getting it to the gardens, courses orchards and fields will be many times the size of testing. The stronger the combined business, the stronger will be the individual businesses Bob

"w.reece speas" <> wrote: BOB , Mr. Norsen ,Thank you, for that statement, seriously, I am one of those start ups in the COMPOST TEA Business , I have Invested about $7500.00 or more not including equipment i already had, simply because I beleive in what the senior members of this group started,I have been in the lawn business for 5 years, I have been in the TEA business for about 6 weeks, I have a lot to learn , I spent 13 years working for the biggest tire company in the n.w. all the way up into management , I have put together $10.00 deals ,and lasting million dollar deals and I never once bad mouthed my competition, If a product or service is bad it will go away with out making changes to make itself better,some will get better some will not. There is a good thing started here, it is said in any good business get in on the ground floor , Dr. Elaine and some of you otheres would be the ground floor, the rest of us are building off of you ,some of us will m
 ake it
 some of us won't, some of us will build a good thing ,some of us will not, I want to build a good thing and would appreciate any help anyone on the ground floor wants to help with. A piece here a piece there, throw some out keep some in, this business is going to go down a lot of roads , some good some not so good, I came in here to LEARN, hopefully thats what i am going to continue to do ,not to preach at everybody or piss anybody off .I really do appreciate the help I have got in here so far.and I am looking forward to the future. Sincerly W.Reece Speas , W.& W. Lawn Care / Mother Nature's Compost Teas t

Robert Norsen <> wrote: As perhaps senior member of this list may suggest? To Elaine and all business and personal situations. "Hold mutual respect and support of potential competition while pursueing the best policies to further your own person and business" is viewed by customers and the world and most important by yourself as the happiest course. If a business isn't happy, it is in trouble. There is room in this field for many flags. When you report serious deficiency in products or other services it must be with FACTS, utter fairness and honesty. Reporting such facts is essential. How else can those of us without a means to test know when our own or anothers product is performaing as IS VITAL? That can be a tough but essentail assignment to lay on any business. As a List we need to help not just Elaine and every business related to this field but include the start-up industry that is Compost TEA, MAKE good answers to the situation. IntlCTC you a
 needed! Bob l

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