[compost_tea] Sunday message

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 13:07:56 -0800 (PST)

Here it is Saturday noon and Sunday at the Date line! Please don't read until Sunday.
PANUPS - Go there and see if this is someting you want to support. A group trying to reduce the impact of poisons and pesticides by eliminating them. Is that something we should support? Can we expand the circulation of their messages by introducing PANUPS to our other correspondents? You decide, Please,
IAHF - Probably many of us use vitamin C, E, Co Q10, Alpha Lipoic, Vitamin B-12,
Aloe Vera, Calcium, Magnesium, Boron, Zinc - Vitamin K........ Or a multi with significant amounts of those items in them? Guess what. In Austrailia you can't. Oh you can get it in tiny amounts that cost a lot to get any useful dose in case you want to fight off the flu. Or you can go to your doctor and get a perscription if your doctor believes in supplements - but at many times what you pay now and marketed by who else, the phamacuetical companies that arranged Australia to became "Harmonized". Harmonized is another word for regulated by government agencies that are supported not by taxes - no they are free? Supported by the trillions dollar pharma industry The FDA and NIH all supported by and are consultants for the folks they control? Does that seem strange? If an AF officer accepts dime one from Boeing the deal is OFF. But the FDA gets all its money from the companies it evaluates. NIH specialists are regular consultants for the companies and products
 judge. Does that make them free? Or do we pay thru the nose many times more for what do we get? Consultants that pass new medications get from hundreds of thousands to millions for approving new drugs.
Canada, England, now New Zealand have all politically declared that they will Hamonize. all of this against what their people want. Why? All of Europe and next South America as a group. Itsl coming to the USA via the UN and WTO
Health food stores will be forced to sell only ineffective low dose stuff .
Hundreds of thousands are killed or injured by perscription drugs every year. Thats OK
No known or reported injury, many reported benefis from supplements. Not OK. Why?
Suppliments are threatening a multi TRILLION dollar industry. They plan to take no losses. They want MORE. IAHF deserves your attention and your support at least to spead the word and the readership of his mission. .
Please read what John has to say. It is a long message.. Then please, you decide.
ACRES - Kevin John Richardson dissapeared into SeaTac airport, headed for Acres confrence last Wednsday, 11{30 am. If anyone sees him his dad wants him to call. So do I. I hope he is so busy and doing so well he hasn't had time to call. Kevin went with a Bitti to show and give away, A bunch of 3' ballons, some flyers that show our latest development, a 500 gallon and a duo of 500 gallon mobile brewers. Now Bob's Brewers is offering from 3 to 1500 gallons capacity . But please if you want those large capacity brewers don't wait to order. They take a while to custom produce. If you ask and give me your address I will snail mail the flyer Kevin took to ACRES. Pictures, SFI reports and more. Bob
  Christmas Greetings To all - whatever your religion let us celebrate together on this occasion and let us celebrate with you on your special days. We can all enjoy the New Year and many years to come if we all celebrate the joy of life on this lovely EARTH

Received on Sat Dec 13 2003 - 16:38:02 EST

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