[compost_tea] Sunday mornin.

From: Robert Norsen <bnbrew_at_yahoo.com>
Date: Sat, 20 Dec 2003 22:35:23 -0800 (PST)

Hi Friends and Foes Alike. A Merry Christmas to ALL and a Cheery New Year
Seems there are some of each on the LIST ! Refreshing !!! Nothing like a lively disagreement or several, to wake up the gang. For a while I thought the spark had gone out of the LIST but it sure came back last week !
And it brought out many problems and some answers. I'm going back to the drawing board to take out some rough spots. Thanks Chris and Judi. Like I told Judi., "The devil is in the details." Any other corrections needed? This is the time of the year when I have time to set up a smoother production line and to eliminate problems you have found in the brewers or the recipes or instructions. Going to spend a lot more care on those last two items. I will try to send new information to all the customers who have Bob's products. An email or letter or fax to me will help get that information right and delivered.
fax 206 77 2026 ( my web site is getting new information. will be there soon.)
US Mail, 6515 West Marginal Way SW, Seattle WA 98106
For larger users - farms, golf courses, nurseries, lawn and garden care specialists, vinyards, orchards, park departments- whoever needs large volume ACT the BobO500
series will offer 500, 750, 1000, 1500 and a cycle system that allows day after day production from any such unit without a break. 10,000 to 15,000 gallons constant production without a break. If you are going to need such production give me some lead time. These units need to be custom built to suit your method of application. Some will be mobile units where the brewing starts at the base, continues brewing and aeration to the point of application or - sets up at the point of application, moves from one such point to another.
I predict that it will be "Big Ag" that reaps significant benefits from Organic and ACT that will convince USDA that it has to recognize ACT for the EARTH saver that it is.
Reducing errosion, improving absorption, reducing irrigation, cleaning up ground water, streams, improving the nations health, the economic health of agriculture - family farms. endless advantages. This Move Dr Elaine and others in her work have started MUST be carried to success. Well everybody, got on to church and pray for it to happen. Bob

Received on Sun Dec 21 2003 - 02:04:39 EST

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