[compost_tea] Overwhelmed

From: Paul Sachs <pdsachs_at_localnet.com>
Date: Tue, 30 Dec 2003 10:38:32 -0500

Since January 2, 2003, I've received 4,084 messages from the compost tea gr=
oup. Many of them have been really helpful and informative but most were n=
ot (I realize that is a subjective opinion). It takes a lot of time to rea=
d all the messages. In fact I have almost 200 that I have yet to read (som=
e of them may have some of the same suggestions I'm about to make). I'm su=
re there are others on the list that only have a limited amount of time the=
y can devote to the list, so I'd like to make the following suggestions.

1. If you're responding to a message with agreement, accolades, or just a =
hip hip horray, don't.... or mail it directly to the list member.
2. If your response digresses from the original subject, change the subjec=
t line (this has less to do with excess and more to do with organization).
3. If your subject has nothing to do with compost tea, don't post it to th=
e group.
4. Legitimate arguments are constructive. Name-calling is not.
5. If you have a specific question for a specific person (e.g., Dr. E.), s=
end it directly and let the answer-person respond to the group. Your quest=
ion will appear in the response.
6. If you just want to see your unsolicited opinion in print, send yoursel=
f an email.
7. If you think these are good or bad ideas, and feel the need to respond =
or if you think I should shut up and unsubscribe from the group, please ema=
il me directly pdsachs_at_localnet.com. Let's not burden the group with unrel=
ated (to compost tea) chat.

I realize this message violates all of the above mentioned suggestions so I=
 apologize in advance.

Paul Sachs

Received on Tue Dec 30 2003 - 12:03:11 EST

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