[compost_tea] SFI results strawberries

From: Mike Harvey <mharvey_at_westnet.com.au>
Date: Fri, 9 Jan 2004 12:12:09 +0800

I have just received results for Soil food web in strawberries. Start of se=
ason #3081 Lismore lab, last one #3502 Lismore lab.
The client is using fungicides on the strawbs some may be systemic as well =
as herbicides between rows.
 We have been applying compost tea regularly (monthly through drippers- fun=
gal dominated) including high rates of Molasses. 16 litres per ha times 3 =
applications. Also Humic acid 10% 40 litres per ha, 3 applications.
Soil at start (after some CT applied also foul manure sheet composted on si=
te 25 tonne per ha)
Active bacteria 8.97, total Bacterial 151, Active fungi 1.82 total fungi 96=
.1 hyphal diameter 3 flagellates 6507, Amoebae 15678 Ciliates.29, Nematode=
s 1.29 species bacterial feeders and switchers.
After running the program which includes fungicides, herbicides (between ro=
ws) some soluble fert applied as well as foliar ferts (and CT, Molasses as =
per above).
SFI results are as follows.(tested 3 months later)
#3502 Active bacteria 4.65, total Bacterial 1451, Active fungi 0.31 total =
fungi 37.2 hyphal diameter 2.5 flagellates 6328, Amoebae 632 Ciliates 0, N=
ematodes .98 switchers and bacterial feeders present. Percent Mycorhrizal =
colonisation 0.00.
Note production and quality have been outstanding the grower is very happy =
with the results and has been unable to keep up with harvesting.
My question is -
The major improvement seems to be the increase in Total bacteria about 10 t=
imes increase. Active bacteria has gone down and recommendation says add mo=
re Molasses. Could it be that some of the bacteria dropped in activity due=
 to time from sample to testing (3 days in transit-soil dried out in transi=
t tested at 0.91however was moist when sent)?
Should we continue to add the molasses? I note the Mycorrhizal colonisation=
 at nil the previous test mentioned Mycorrhizal but that is was not activat=
ed. Since we are feeding soluble fert (NPK, Mg, Ca) and foliar TE it would =
seem the plant has switched off the development of Mycorrhizae.
pH of soil sample was 6.1 (water) and conductivity 0.86 mS per cm or 860 er=
gs (this is high on a reams test). Plant tissue results - brix 6.0, pH 4.8=
 (acid) conductivity 5.5 (highish ).
Tissue test results are reasonable and improving (we test monthly). Ca is i=
mproving with time.
I note that Fungi has not improved at all even though we are using humic ac=
id at rates higher than recommended on the SFI audit (Humic acid is Nutrite=
ch Potassium humate). I am assuming this is as you have mentioned before- a=
dding soluble ferts( salt) is holding things back as well as the fungicide.=
 Note the fungicide does not go on the soil (plastic mulch covers the soil)=
This was part of a trial looking at the use of Molasses in managing Nematod=
es in strawberries.
At start 0.92 bacterial feeders 80% and 0.23 switchers 20%.
After treatment (3 months later)
Total biomass dropped 25%, 0.5 bacterial feeders 56% and switchers 0.38, =
(No control)
What sort of levels of root feeding Nematodes do you normally see damage at=
The trial has been successful with no observed damage from the nematodes.

Regards Mike Harvey B Hort Sci
New Life Soils.
E-mail mharvey_at_westnet.com.au

Received on Thu Jan 08 2004 - 23:53:19 EST

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