[compost_tea] AACT Testing

From: Scott Alexander <daylily_at_bigpond.com>
Date: Sat, 10 Jan 2004 14:39:09 +1000

One for Elaine.

I would have liked to have had my last AACT tested by SFI at Lismore but it=
 would have been more than two days old before it reached the Lab. had I se=
nt it. However, I took a sample and tested the Dissolved Oxygen during the =
past two days and found that the sample taken when it was at 8 ppm D O slow=
ly became anaerobic and is at present 3 ppm.

What I'm curious about (and I reckon many in this CT group would be as well=
) is how the make-up of the AACT changes during that time.

I was thinking that the next time I make a brew, I should take all the equi=
pment down to Lismore and set it up next to the Lab, camp in the grounds, a=
nd play golf at Lismore and Byron Bay while waiting for the brew. That way =
i could get a 24 hour and a 48 hour brew tested and not have to worry about=
 a brew becoming anaerobic during transit. What do you think about that El=
aine :-) ?


Received on Sat Jan 10 2004 - 11:18:27 EST

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