[compost_tea] Reece and conference opportunity

From: Steve Bridges <kimas_at_texasgrown.com>
Date: Tue, 3 Feb 2004 19:12:15 -0600

Good day all,
Reece, as I recall, is a younger member of our listserv (where'd the "e" go=
? Bacteria?). There is an opportunity that I think Reece would be intereste=
d in pursuing. I could spell it out, but please see the following. The conf=
erence for young agriculturists is paid for through grants, though the part=
icipants may need help in their travel costs. Something that I think this g=
roup would help Reece with. Please review the following and see if we can't=
 get our youngest member of this listserv to this conference.......we would=
 of course, require a report from young Reece for our support......8~)
Steve Bridges
ps. What do you think Reece?


Applications are now available for youth participation in the Kellogg
Foundation's Food and Society Conference at

The Food Project (TFP) is partnering once again with the W.K. Kellogg
Foundation to create a significant and meaningful youth presence at
this year's 2004 Food and Society (FAS) Conference from April 19th -
22rd, 2004 in Squaw Valley, California. This collaboration is part of
TFP's BLAST (Building Local Agricultural Systems Today) Initiative.
BLAST's mission is to develop a network of young leaders who will
build and advocate for sustainable, community-based food systems around
the country and around the world.

You are invited to nominate a youth/young adult team to participate in
the conference. If selected, your team would join others from around
the country for a Pre-Conference Training & Networking Day on April
19th and for special workshops during the proceedings that will help
youth and young adults get the most out of the conference. The
Pre-Conference activities will include communications and leadership
training, sharing of models and practices, tours of local projects, and
team-building. All lodging, meal and local transportation costs will be
covered in full. Airfare or other travel costs may be subsidized by

Download applications from our website,
<http://www.thefoodproject.org/newtfp/misc/cfsc.shtml>. Applications
are due by this Friday, February 6th. We ask that you try to contact us
beforehand , even if you are not sure you are going to apply (but
please feel free to submit an application even if you haven't contacted
us yet). If you have questions please contact Anim Steel or Amanda
Blaine at The Food Project: 781-259-8621 x22, or email

Received on Tue Feb 03 2004 - 21:03:04 EST

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