Re: [compost_tea] EM lacks diversity

From: Scott Alexander <>
Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 14:25:39 +1000

  I thought we came to the conclusion that EM only has a very limited micro=
bial diversity and you are way better off with ACT.
  Maybe EM has limited diversity but maybe the "naturally occurring benefi=
cial microorganisms, principally lactic acid bacteria, yeast and phototroph=
ic bacteria in a liquid solution" are NOT in ACT. So . . . if you combine =
the two MAYBE you'll end up with a superior tea. I know this list is all ab=
out ACT but I can see the day that combinations of herb & plant teas, EM pr=
oducts and ACT will be found to be a superior blend.

  How many years have you been using it?
  25 months of ACT specifically made and applied monthly since daylily rust=
 arrived. 18 months prior to that, different forms of ACT was applied quart=

  How are your Daylilies responding to the ACT?
  Using ACT on daylilies is saving fertiliser costs. I no longer side-dress=
 the plants with organic fertilisers annually.

  I am finding that many varieties, particularly diploids, have built up tr=
emendous resistance to daylily rust because of "something" in the ACT. My i=
nterest in adding herb and weed teas to ACT has been further increased afte=
r reading "comfrey and cowparsnip extracts is associated with their action =
on the pathogenic fungus and with the activation of natural defence reactio=
ns of the host plant"

   Scott Alexander

Received on Sun Feb 22 2004 - 03:17:44 EST

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